The Intrepid II
Woodburning Stove
Model 1990CE
Installation and
Operating Manual
For use in Europe
Do Not Discard This Manual: Retain for Future Use
30003840 2/08 Rev. 1
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Intrepid II, Model 1990CE
Nominal heat output ..............6.2 kW (21, 100 BTU/hr)1
Minimum flue draught......................12 Pa (0.048” WG)
Mean flue gas temp..............................337° C (639° F)
Efficiency (space heating) ...................................72.8%
Area heated................... Up to 112 sq. m (1200 sq. ft.)1
Fuel size/type .................................410 mm (16”) wood
Flue mass gas flow............................................. 5.6 g/s
CO Emissions (@ 13% O2) ...........................2900 ppm
Loading....................................................... Front or top
Chimney connector .................... 152 mm (6”) diameter
Chimney flue size.......................152 mm (6”) minimum
Flue exit position ....................... Reversible, top or rear
Primary air ......Manual set, thermostatically maintained
Secondary air .........................................Self-regulating
Ash handling system .....................Removable ash pan
Glass panels.........................High temperature ceramic
Weight ................................................ 101 kg (233 lbs.)
Width (leg-to-leg).................................. 545 mm (21¹⁄₂”)
Depth (leg-to-leg) ................................. 350 mm (13³⁄₄”)
Height to top of flue collar:
with regular legs.......................635 mm (25”) top exit
............................................... 610 mm (24”) rear exit
with optional short legs.............535 mm (21”) top exit
............................................ 500 mm (19³⁄₄”) rear exit
1. This value can vary depending on how the stove
is operated, the type and moisture content of the fuel
used, as well as the design, construction and climatic
location of your home. Figures shown are based on
nominal fuel consumption obtained under laboratory
conditions and on average efficiencies.
510 mm (20")
545 mm
31 mm
540 mm (21���")
460 mm (18")
540 mm (21���")
610 mm
640 mm
520 mm
Top exit
flue collar
180 mm
545 mm (21���")
350 mm (13���")
Fig. 1 Intrepid II 1990CE dimensions.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
When poor draft is caused by a low infiltration rate,
opening a ground floor window on the windward side
of the house and in the vicinity of the stove will usually
alleviate the problem.
Another solution is to install a permanent outside air
supply to the stove and/or room. In some areas, in
fact, bringing air for combustion from outside the home
directly to the air inlet of the stove is required for new
Before you begin an installation, review your plans to
see that:
• Your stove and chimney connector will be far
enough from combustible material to meet all
clearance requirements.
An outside air supply is not affected by pressure varia-
tions within the house, and improved stove perfor-
mance often results. An Outside Air Adaptor Kit for the
Intrepid II is available from your local Vermont Castings
• The floor protector is large enough and is con-
structed properly to meet all requirements.
• You have all necessary permits from local author-
Your local building official is the final authority for ap-
proving your installation as safe and determining that it
meets local and state codes.
What Kind of Chimney to Use
Your Intrepid II must be connected to a code-approved
masonry chimney with a flue liner, to a relined masonry
chimney that meets local codes, or to a prefabricated
metal chimney. Whatever kind you use, the chimney
and chimney connector must be in good condition and
kept clean. Figure 2 shows the two chimney types.
The metal label permanently attached to the back of
every Vermont Castings stove indicates the stove has
been tested to current standards. The test standard
is EN13240:2001 + A2:2004 for Europe. Clearance
and installation information also is printed on the label.
When the stove is installed according to the information
both on the label and in this manual, local authorities
in most cases will accept the label as evidence that the
installation meets codes and can be approved.
A prefabricated
double-wall insu-
lated chimney
However, codes vary in different countries. Before
starting the installation, review your plans with the local
building authority. You local dealer can provide any ad-
ditional information needed.
A tile-lined ma-
sonry chimney
IMPORTANT: Failure to follow these installation
instructions may result in a dangerous situation, in-
cluding a chimney or house fire. Follow all instruc-
tions exactly, and do not allow makeshift compro-
mises to endanger property and personal safety.
Fig. 2 Standard chimney types.
If you use an existing masonry chimney, it must be
inspected to ensure safe condition before the stove is
installed. Your local professional chimney sweep, build-
ing inspector, or fire department official will be able to
inspect the chimney or provide a referral to someone
who can.
All local regulations, including those referring to
national and European standards, need to be com-
plied with when installing this stove.
Outside Air
In some modern, super-insulated homes, there is not
enough air for combustion because of insufficient air
infiltration into the building. Such air enters a home
through unsealed cracks and openings. Kitchen or bath
exhaust fans can compete with the stove for available
air and compound the problem.
The flue and chimney design must meet requirement
J2, Part J of the building regulations 2000 (Combustion
Appliances and Fuel Storage Systems).
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Connecting Flue Pipes
Masonry Chimneys
Connector pipes should meet the requirements of the
building regulations. This can be achieved by the use
connecting fluepipes included in the following catego-
An inspection of the chimney must confirm that it has
a lining. Do not use an unlined chimney. The chimney
should have no cracks, loose mortar, other signs of
deterioration, or blockage. Repair any defects before
using the chimney with your stove.
a) Vitreous enamelled steel pipe complying with BS
6999: 1989 (1996);
Seal any unused openings in an existing masonry chim-
ney with masonry to the thickness of the chimney wall,
and repair the chimney liner. Openings sealed with pie
plates or wallpaper are a hazard; seal them with mortar
or refractory cement. In the event of a chimney fire,
flames and smoke may be forced out of these unused
b) Pipes made from stainless steel as descirbed in BS
EN 1008-1:1995 grades 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4432 or
1.4436 with flue wall thickness of at least 1 mm;
c) Mild steel fluepipes complying with BS 1449: Part 1:
1991, with a flue wall thickness of at least 3 mm;
d) Cast iron fluepipes complying with BS 41: 1973
The chimney should be thoroughly cleaned before use.
Flue Pipes with a spigot and socket joint should be
fitted with the socket facing upwards, to contain con-
densates and moisture within the flue. Joints should be
made gas tight using proprietary jointing accessories,
or, where appropriate, by packing joint with noncombus-
tible rope and fire cement.
A newly-built masonry chimney must conform to the
standards of your local building code or, in the absence
of a local code, to a recognized national code. Masonry
chimneys must be lined, either with code-approved ma-
sonry or pre-cast refractory tiles, stainless steel pipe, or
a code-approved, “poured-in-place” liner. The chimney’s
clean-out door must seal tightly.
Double-wall chimney connectors must be tested and
listed for use with solid-fuel burning appliances. Sin-
gle-wall chimney connectors should be made of 24
gauge or heavier steel, and should be 150 mm (6”) in
diameter. Do not use galvanized connector; it cannot
withstand the high temperatures that can be reached by
smoke and gases, and may release toxic fumes under
high heat.
Prefabricated Chimneys
These should be an internal diameter of 150 mm (6”)
and be of the twin wall insulated construction that has
been approved for solid fuel use (e.g. Rite Vent ICS of
ICID Lite Chimney Systems). Diameters over 200 mm
(8”) are not recommended due to the large cross-sec-
tion causing excessive cooling of the flue gases.
If possible, do not pass the chimney connector through
a combustible wall or ceiling. If passage through a com-
bustible wall is unavoidable, refer to the section follow-
ing on Wall Pass-Throughs. Do not pass the chimney
connector through an attic, a closet, or any similar con-
cealed space. The whole connector should be exposed
and accessible for inspection and cleaning.
Chimney Size
An Intrepid II is approved for venting into a masonry
chimney with a maximum flue size of 200 x 200 mm (8”
x 8”), and into a round flue size of 150 mm (6”).
In horizontal runs of single-wall chimney connector
without protective shields, maintain a clearance of at
least 660 mm (26”) from the ceiling.
It may not be vented into larger chimneys without a liner
to reduce the effective flue size to 150 mm (6”) diam-
eter. Larger chimneys must have their flues relined for
proper stove performance.
Keep the horizontal run of chimney connector as short
and direct as possible, with no more than two 90° turns.
Slope horizontal runs of connector upward 20 mm per
m (1/4” per foot) going from the stove toward the chim-
ney. The recommended maximum length of a horizontal
run is 914 mm (36”). The recommended total length of
chimney connector is 2.4 m (8’).
Accessories to make the connection between stainless
steel chimney liners and your Intrepid II are available
through your local dealer.
Chimney Connector Guidelines
In cathedral ceiling installations, extend the prefabri-
cated chimney down to within 2.4 m (8’) of the stove.
Chimney connector is the double-wall or single-wall
pipe that connects the stove to the chimney. The chim-
ney is a masonry or prefabricated structure that enclos-
es the flue. Chimney connectors are used only to make
the connection from the stove to the chimney.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Special adapters are available from your local dealer to
make the connection between the prefabricated chim-
ney and the chimney connector. The top of such adapt-
ers attaches directly to the chimney or to the chimney’s
ceiling support package, while the bottom of the adap-
tor is screwed to the chimney connector.
Double-wall Chimney Connector
Information on assembling and installing double-wall
connector is provided by the manufacturer of the
double-wall pipe. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
exactly as you assemble the connector and attach it to
the stove and chimney. Using connectors and chim-
neys from the same manufacturer makes the assembly
and installation straightforward.
These adapters are designed so the top end will fit
outside the inner wall of the chimney, and the bottom
end will fit inside the first section of chimney connector.
When assembled in this way, any soot or creosote fall-
ing from the inner walls of the chimney will stay inside
the chimney connector.
NOTE: For installations using double-wall con-
nectors, minimum clearances must conform to the
listed clearances on Page 9.
Single-wall Chimney Connector
Securing the Single-wall Connector to a
Masonry Chimney
• Beginning at the flue collar of the stove, assemble
the chimney connector. Insert the first crimped end into
the stove’s flue collar, and
keep each crimped end
For masonry chimneys, both freestanding and fireplace
chimneys may be used for installation of your Intrepid II.
pointing toward the stove.
Using the holes in the
flue collar as guides, drill
3 mm (1/8”) holes in the
Freestanding Chimney Installations
If the chimney connector must pass through a combus-
tible wall to reach the chimney, follow the recommenda-
tions in the Wall Pass-through section that follows.
bottom of the first section
The opening through the chimney wall to the flue (the
“breach”) must be lined with either a ceramic or metal
cylinder, called the “thimble”, which is cemented firmly
in place. The fit must be snug and the joint between the
thimble and the chimney wall must be cemented. (Fig. 4)
of chimney connector and
secure it to the flue collar
with three #10 x 1/2” sheet
metal screws.
Secure each joint be-
tween sections of chimney
connector, including tel-
scoping joints, with at least
three sheet metal screws.
The pre-drilled holes in
the top of each section of
Fig. 3 The crimped end of
the connector points toward
chimney connector serve as guides when you drill 3 mm
(1/8”) holes in the bottom of the next section.
Slip Pipe
• Secure the chimney connector to the chimney. In-
structions for various installations follow.
• Be sure the installed stove and chimney connector
are correct distances from nearby combustible material.
Flue Collar
NOTE: Special slip pipes and thimble sleeves that form
telescoping joints between sections of chimney con-
nector are available to simplify installations. They often
eliminate the need to cut individual connector sections.
Consult your local dealer about these special pieces.
Securing the Single-wall Connector to a
Prefabricated Chimney
For prefabricated chimneys, follow the installation
instructions of the chimney maker exactly as you install
the chimney. The maker of the chimney will supply the
accessories to support the chimney, either from the roof
of the house, at the ceiling of the room where the stove
is installed, or from an exterior wall.
Fig. 4 Chimney connection in a freestanding installation.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
A special piece called the “thimble sleeve,” slightly
smaller in diameter than standard connector and most
thimbles, will facilitate the removal of the chimney con-
nector system for inspection and cleaning. Thimble
sleeves should be available from your local dealer. (Fig.
Chimney Connector
* Check
Thimble Sleeve
These Clear-
with flue
Seal the
Fig. 5 The thimble, made of either ceramic or metal, must be
cemented securely in place.
To install a thimble sleeve, slide it into the breach until
it is flush with the inner flue wall. Do not extend it into
the actual flue passage, as this could interfere with the
Fig. 6 Chimney connector enters chimney above the fire-
• Check the clearance between the chimney con-
nector and the ceiling. If no heat shields are used, the
clearance should be at least 660 mm (26”). To find out
how much this clearance may be reduced with heat
shields, see the clearance chart on Page 14.
The thimble sleeve should protrude 25 - 50 mm (1-2”)
into the room. Use furnace cement and thin gasketing
to seal the sleeve in place in the thimble. Secure the
chimney connector to the outer end of the sleeve with
sheet metal screws.
• The fireplace damper must be sealed to prevent
room air from escaping up the flue. However, it must be
possible to re-open the damper to inspect or clean the
Without a thimble, a suitable length of chimney con-
nector can be extended through the breach to the inner
face of the flue liner, and cemented securely in place.
Additional pieces of connector are then attached with
sheet metal screws.
Fireplace Chimney Installations -
Through a Fireplace
Fireplace Chimney Installations -
Above a Fireplace
If your fireplace height is at least 635 mm (25”), you
may install an Intrepid II with standard legs through
the fireplace opening using a “positive connection” kit
available from your local dealer. These positive connec-
tion kits ensure a tight fit between the stove flue collar
and the chimney flue. (Fig. 7) Fireplace installations,
whether connected to the flue above or through the fire-
place opening, have special clearance requirements to
adjacent trim and the mantel. You will find the required
clearances for the Intrepid II fireplace installations on
Page 9.
The Intrepid II may be connected to a chimney above a
fireplace opening also. In such installations, the stove is
positioned on the hearth in front of the fireplace and the
chimney connector rises from the stove top and then
angles ninety degrees back into the chimney. (Fig. 6)
The chimney liner should extend to the point at which
the chimney connector enters the chimney.
If the chimney connector from your installation enters
the chimney above a fireplace, follow all the guidelines
mentioned above for freestanding installations. In addi-
tion, give special consideration to the following points:
Floor protection requirements also apply to fireplace
installations. Floor protection information is on Page 8.
• Check the clearance between the stove and the
chimney connector, and any combustible trim or the
mantel. Use the necessary combination of mantel, trim,
and connector heat shields to achieve the required
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
460 mm (18”) clearance all
around the pipe
Flexible Connector
Flush Mounted
Sheet Metal
Mantel Shield
Fireplace Adaptor Kit
Fig. 8 An approved wall pass-through.
This appliance must be installed on to hearth that
meets the requirements of Part J of the Building Regu-
lations 2000 (Combustion Appliances and Fuel Storage
Systems). This can be achieved by ensuring that the
hearth is constructed and sized in accordance with the
guidelines included in section 2 of approved document
‘J’. The size and clearances of the hearth are as fol-
Fig. 7 Chimney connector enters chimney through the fire-
place opening.
Wall Pass-Throughs
Whenever possible, design your installation so the con-
nector does not pass through a combustible wall. If you
are considering a wall pass-through in your installation,
check with your building inspector before you begin.
Also, check with the chimney connector manufacturer
for any specific requirements.
The constructed hearth should be constructed in ac-
cordance with the recommendations in document J,
and should be of minimum width 840 mm and minimum
depth 840 mm (if a free standing hearth b) above) or
a minimum projection of 150 mm from the jamb (if a
recessed hearth a) above).
Accessories are available for use as wall pass-
throughs. If using one of these, make sure it has been
tested and listed for use as a wall pass-through.
The following illustration shows one method of pass-
ing a connector througha wall. All combustible material
in the wall is cut away to provide the required 460 mm
18”) clearance for the connector. The resulting space
must remain empty. A flush-mounted sheet metal cover
may be used on one side only. If covers must be used
on both sides, each cover must be mounted on noncom-
bustible spacers at least 25 mm (1”) clear of the wall.
Your local dealer or your local building inspector can
provide details for other approved methods of passing
a chimney connector through a combustible wall in your
Wood framing requires
protection from radiant heat
Fig. 9 Supporting timbers under fireplace hearth are consid-
ered to be combustible.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Costructional Hearth
Dimensions as below
At least 150 mm
or to a suitable
heat resistant wall
Hearth Surface
Free of Com-
bustible Material
At least
150 mm
Perimeter should be
Perimeter should be
clearly marked e.g.
edge of superimposed
clearly marked e.g.
edge of superimposed
At least
300 mm
a) Fireplace recess
b) Free standing
Fig. 10 Noncombustible hearth surface dimensions.
are too close to the heat. A safe installation requires
that adequate clearance be maintained between the
hot stove and its connector and nearby combustibles.
Floor Protection for Fireplace Installations
Do not assume your fireplace hearth is completely
Clearance is the distance between either your stove
(measured from the back edge of the stove’s top plate)
or chimney connector, and nearby walls, floors, the
ceiling, and any other fixed combustible surfaces. In
addition, furnishings and other combustible materials
must be kept away from the stove as well. In general, a
distance of 1220 mm (48”) must be maintained between
the stove and moveable combustible items such as dry-
ing clothes, furniture, newspapers, firewood, etc. Keep-
ing those clearance areas empty assures that nearby
surfaces and objects will not overheat.
Many fireplace hearths do not satisfy the “completely
noncombustible” requirement because the brick or
concrete in front of the fireplace opening is supported
by heavy wood framing as in Figure 9. Because heat
passes through brick or concrete readily, it can easily
pass through to the wood. As a result, such fireplace
hearths can be a fire hazard and are considered a com-
bustible floor.
Keep in mind that many raised hearths will extend
less than the required clearance from the front of the
heater when it is installed. In such cases, sufficient
floor protection as described above must be added in
front of the hearth to satisfy the minimum floor protector
requirement from the front of the stove: 406 mm (16”)
from the front. Fireplace hearths must also offer the
required protection of 152 mm (6”) on either side.
As with any solid fuel heating stove, extremely high
surface temperatures can occur, particularly in the
event of uncontrolled operation, e.g. if the doors
are inadvertently left open. It is crucial that suf-
ficient clearances are allowed to any combustible
surfaces, e.g. wooden mantels or lintels, and to
timber framed (studded) walls even if they are faced
with noncombustible board. Detailed information
on fireplace and hearth construction is provided
in section 2 of Document J, all installations must
comply with these requirements or with the relevant
National or local building standards.
Optional 76 mm (3”) short legs may be used only on
such hearths that meet the width and depth require-
ments outlined previously under “floor protection.”
Hearth rugs do not satisfy the requirements for floor
Fireplace installations also have special clearance
requirements to the side walls, side decorative trim, and
fireplace mantle. Refer to the information on fireplace
and mantel trim shields in this section.
Clearances to timber framed (studded) walls are includ-
ed below. There are no specific minimum clearances
to solid noncombustible surfaces (e.g. the sides and
rear of Inglenook fire openings constructed from solid
masonry) other than to allow safe access to the controls
of the stove. For this reason minimum side clearances
of 125 mm, and a minimum rear clearance of 50 mm
are recommended.
Keep the Stove a Safe Distance from
Surrounding Materials
Both a stove and its chimney connector radiate heat in
all directions when operating, and dangerous overheat-
ing of nearby combustible materials can occur if they
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Summary of Clearances
Minimum recommended side clearances to non-
combustible surfaces 125 mm (5”).
Minimum recommended rear clearance to noncom-
bustible surfaces 50 mm (2”).
NOTE: The minimum thickness of solid noncombus-
tible materials is specified in section 2 of Document ‘J’,
in relation to the clearance of the appliance from the
surface. As a general rule, the thickness of solid non-
combustible material forming the recess of a fireplace is
a minimum of 200 mm.
Fig. 11 Minimum clearances.
Connecting Flue Pipe - Clearances
Minimum rear clearance from combustible walls
(e.g. timber framed or studded walls) 610 mm (24”)
measured from the rear edge of the stove top. (Fig.
11, B)
Single wall connecting fluepipes can reach extremely
high temperatures; therefore, clearances from the con-
necting fluepipe (chimney connector) must comply with
the requirements of Part J of Building Regulations 2000
(Combustion Appliances and Fuel Storage Systems).
This can be achieved by following the recommenda-
tions of Approved Document ‘J’. These are as shown in
Figure 12.
Minimum side clearance from combustible walls
610 mm (24”) measured from the side edge of the
stove top. (Fig. 11, A)
Minimum distance from stove to movable combus-
tible materials (e.g. furniture, drying clothes, etc.)
760 mm (30”).
at least
3 x D
at least
1.5 x D
at least 3 x D
at least
1.5 x D
at least
1.5 x D
at least
1.5 x D
Air space of at least 12 mm
between noncombustible shield
and combustible material
Plan Without
at least
1.5 x D
Plan With
With Shield
Fig. 12 Connecting fluepipe clearances.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Clean the Griddle Before Use
At the factory the griddle is coated with vegetable oil to
prevent rusting while the stove is in transit and storage.
Remove the oil with a dry rag or paper towel before you
use the stove.
Set Up the Stove
Remove any loose parts from inside the stove. Place a
protective pad on the floor, arrange some sections of 4
x 4 lumber on the pad for support, and carefully tip the
stove onto them, on its back.
Remove and discard the four large slot-head screws
from the stove bottom (Fig. 13) and install the stove
legs, using the hex head bolts from the parts bag. Use
3/8” washers with three of the legs; the door/damper
handle holder installs in place of a washer on the right
front leg. Position the holder so the hole to accept the
handle nub faces out from the right side of the stove.
Tighten the bolts firmly.
Fig. 14 Attach bottom heat shield.
Storing the Handle
Use the removable handle to open or close the front
doors, or to change the position of the damper. After
using it, remove it so it won’t get hot, and store it in the
handle holder installed behind the right front leg. (Fig.
Door Handle Holder
Bottom Heat Shield
Fig. 13 Remove the slotted screws from the stove bottom.
Install the Bottom Heat Shield
Wing Bolt
A bottom heat shield must be used unless the stove is
to be situated on a completely noncombustible hearth,
such as unpainted concrete over earth. To install the
bottom heat shield, loosen the leg bolts, and slip the
bottom heat shield C-clips onto the bolts. Attach the
bottom heat shield to the C-clips with the wing nuts, and
tighten the leg bolts. Align the shield as shown in Figure
Fig. 15 Handle holder and heat shield positions.
Reversing the Flue Collar
You can reverse the flue collar by removing the two
screws that attach the collar to the back of the stove.
(Fig. 16) Be sure the gasket around the flue collar
opening is in position when you screw the collar back
on to the stove.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Flue Collar Screws
Your Intrepid II’s Controls and
What They Do
The stove has two controls to regulate performance: a
primary air control supplies oxygen for the fire, and a
damper directs air flow within the stove to activate and
deactivate the catalytic combustor.
Additional air for catalytic combustion is regulated auto-
matically, and does not require operator control.
Symbols cast into the stove are reminders of the correct
directions for opening and closing the controls. In these
directions, ‘left’ and ‘right’ assume that you are facing
the front of the stove.
Fig. 16 Reversing the flue collar.
Attach the Griddle Handle
A Single Air Control Regulates the
Amount of Heat the Fire Will Produce and
How Long it Will Burn
Install the handle on the griddle. Place the griddle
upside down at the edge of a flat surface and assemble
the handle as shown. (Fig. 17)
With the handle pointing 45° from its final position,
tighten the nut as far as possible with pliers. Move the
handle to its final position while still holding the nut with
the pliers. Take care not to overtighten, as tab may
The primary air control lever, located at the right rear
corner of the stove, controls the amount of incoming air
for starting, maintaining, and reviving a fire. More air
entering the stove makes the fire burn hotter and faster,
while less air prolongs the burn at a lower heat level.
For the greatest air supply and maximum heat output
(but the shortest burn time), move the lever to the left.
For a fire that will last longer with less heat, move the
lever to the right. You can set the lever anywhere in
between the left and right extremes. (Fig. 19)
The Intrepid II features an automatic thermostat to en-
sure an even heat output at any setting you select. The
thermostat senses the heating and cooling of the stove
surface and adjusts the air shutter accordingly.
High Heat
Fig. 17 Attaching the griddle handle.
Low Heat
Air Control Lever
Damper Handle
Door Handle
Rear View
Fig. 19 The thermostat handle may be positioned anywhere
between the two extremes for different heat levels.
Ash Pan
Door Handle
(Behind Leg)
Fig. 18 The Intrepid II controls.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
A Damper Directs Air Flow
Within the Stove
Your stove has andirons to keep logs away from the
glass panels. The andirons are important to maintain
clear fireviewing and should be removed only while
reloading through the front doors.
The damper handle opens and closes the damper to
direct air flow within the stove, and is next to, and to the
right of, the primary air control lever on the right side of
the stove. (Fig. 20)
Wear heavy stove gloves when removing the andirons,
and place them on a noncombustible surface until you
replace them in the stove. Most stove owners will prefer
the convenience of top loading through the griddle, and
will leave the andirons in place permanently.
When the handle points to the floor, the damper is
open, letting smoke pass directly into the chimney. The
damper must be open when starting or reviving a fire,
and whenever the griddle or doors are opened.
When the handle points to the front, the damper is
closed. Smoke from the fire travels through the catalytic
combustion system where it can burn further for greater
efficiency, before passing up the chimney.
The damper has no intermediate positions. Figure 28
shows the handle’s open and closed positions.
When closing the damper, push firmly and snap it
into the locked position to ensure that the stove
remains in the catalytic mode.
Side View
(Updraft Mode)
Fig. 21 Remove the andirons for front loading.
Two Ways to Add Fuel
The Intrepid II’s griddle lifts for convenient top-loading
of logs, and is the easiest way of regularly adding fuel.
However, the front doors open as well for adding an oc-
casional log to a fire. (Fig. 22)
You can open (or even remove) the front doors and
place the optional Intrepid II spark screen in the front
opening for open-fire viewing.
(Catalytic Mode)
Fig. 20 The damper is either open or closed. There are no
intermediate positions.
Glass Door Panels
The glass panels in the doors have a heat-reflective
coating on the outside surface. Heat reflected back to
the inside of the glass helps keep the inner surface at
a higher temperature than the outside. In combination
with pre-heated primary combustion air ‘washing’ over
the inside of the glass, this helps provide clear fire-
viewing at most operating levels.
Fig. 22 Top loading is the best way to add fuel during regular
use. Front loading is useful for kindling a fire.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
For areas that do not have a supply of hardwood, com-
monly burned softwoods include tamarack, yellow pine,
white pine, Eastern red cedar, fir, and redwood. These
too should be properly dried.
WARNING: For safety and greatest efficiency, oper-
ate your stove only with all doors/griddles fully
closed. The test standard for your stove when it is
operated in this mode is UL 1482.
Store firewood under cover to keep it dry. Dry, well-sea-
soned wood is best for heating and fire-viewing. How-
ever, avoid wood dried more than two years. This wood
burns very quickly, reducing burn time.
Your stove may be used as a fireplace with the front
doors open or removed only when the spark screen
is placed correctly in the opening to protect against
the possibility of sparks and embers leaving your
stove. The test standard for your stove when it is
operated in this mode is UL 737.
Even for short-term storage, keep wood a safe distance
from the heater and keep it out of the areas around the
heater used for refueling and ash removal.
Use only the Intrepid II spark screen, part #0136,
with your Intrepid II.
A Surface Thermometer is a Valuable
Guide to Operation
Intrepid II spark screens are available from your
Vermont Castings’ Authorized Dealer.
An optional surface thermometer tells you when to
adjust the air control, when to refuel, and helps to tell
when your catalyst is operating properly.
To open the front doors, insert the handle into the door
latch stub and turn it to the left and up. To close them,
always close the left door first. Turn the handle in the
right door to the left and up (to the open position) and
close the door. Push on the door as you turn the handle
to the right and down. The doors will draw in slightly,
and the handle should offer some resistance as you
turn it to the closed position. (Fig. 23)
For example, when the thermometer registers at least
230° C (450° F) after start-up you know the stove is
hot enough to begin catalytic combustion and it may be
time to close the damper.
Place the thermometer in the center of the griddle, as in
Figure 24, and use the following temperature ranges as
a guide to operation:
Avoid striking the glass or slamming the doors to re-
duce the risk of breaking the glass.
When thermometer readings drop below 175° C
(350° F) it’s time to adjust the air control for a higher
burn rate or to reload the stove.
When you’re not using the door handle, store it in the
holder behind the right front leg of the stove.
• A temperature reading over 400° C (750° F) is a sign
to cut back on the air supply to slow the burn rate.
• Readings in the 150-200° C (300-400° F) range
indicate low to medium heat output.
• Readings of 260-340° C (500-650° F) indicate high
heat output. Operating your Intrepid II continuously
at griddle temperatures of 400° C (750°F) or higher
may damage inner parts or the enamel finish.
Fig. 23 To open the front doors, turn handle clockwise.
Burn Only High-Quality Wood
Fig. 24 Take temperature readings with a thermometer lo-
cated in the middle of the griddle.
The Intrepid II is designed to burn natural wood only; do
not burn fuels other than that for which it was designed.
You’ll enjoy the best results when burning wood that
has been adequately air-dried. Avoid burning “green”
wood that has not been properly seasoned. The wood
should be 410 mm (16”) in length.
The best hardwood fuels include oak, maple, beech,
ash, and hickory that has been split, stacked, and air-
dried outside under cover for at least one year.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Use the Air Control Settings
that Work Best for You
Intrepid II Control Settings
Burn Rate
Primary Air Control
From far right to 1/3 the
distance to left
No single air control setting will fit every situation. Set-
tings will differ depending on the quality of the fuel, the
amount of heat desired, and how long you wish the fire
to burn.
From 1/3 to 2/3
the distance to left
From 2/3 the distance
to left to far left
The control setting also depends on your particular
installation’s “draft,” or the force that moves air from the
stove up through the chimney. Draft is affected by such
things as the length, type, and location of the chimney,
local geography, nearby obstructions, and other factors.
Before you start using the stove, please read the Draft
Management section starting on Page 18 to see how
the features of your installation will affect the stove’s
performance. You and the stove are parts of a system,
and other parts of the system have a strong effect on
operation; you may need to vary your firing technique to
get the performance you want.
Too much draft may cause excessive temperatures in
the Intrepid II, and could even damage the combustor.
On the other hand, too little draft can cause backpuffing
into the room and/or the “plugging” of the chimney or
How to Build a Wood Fire
and Keep it Going
How do you know if your draft is excessively high or
low? Symptoms of too much draft include an uncontrol-
lable burn or a glowing-red stove part. A sign of inad-
equate draft is smoke leaking into the room through the
stove or chimney connector joints, low heat, and dirty
An Intrepid II leaves the factory with the combustor
In the United States, it is against the law to operate this
wood heater in a manner inconsistent with operating
instructions in this manual, or if the catalytic combustor
is deactivated or removed.
In some newer homes that are well-insulated and
weather-tight, poor draft may result from insufficient air
in the house. In such instances, an open window near
the stove on the windward side of the house will provide
the fresh air needed.
High-Efficiency Wood Burning
with Catalytic Combustion
Another option for getting more combustion air to the
stove is to duct air directly from outdoors to the stove.
In fact, in some areas provisions for outside combustion
air are required in all new construction.
The catalytic combustion system in your Intrepid II
produces the best conditions for secondary combustion.
When the stove damper is closed, smoke goes through
the catalytic element, burning at temperatures of
260-315° C (500-600° F), half the temperature normally
needed for unaided secondary combustion.
Your Intrepid II will accept a duct carrying outside air for
When first using the stove, keep track of the air control
settings. You will quickly find that a specific setting will
give you a fixed amount of heat. It may take some time
to determine the amount of heat and the length of burn
you should expect from various settings. Please read
the Draft Management section beginning on Page 18
for more information on how installation features affect
The catalytic element is a ceramic “honeycomb” coated
with a noble metal, usually platinum. The element is in
the secondary combustion chamber, made of a spe-
cial high-temperature insulating refractory material.
The chamber provides the correct environment neces-
sary for secondary combustion of the fuel (smoke).
Closing the damper may also reduce draft. Closing the
damper too soon may put out the fire or deactivate the
combustor. Close the damper only when the fire is well
established. When starting a fire, wait until there is an
ember bed of at least 76 - 102 mm (3-4”) before closing
the damper.
Most installations do not require a large amount of com-
bustion air, especially if adequate draft is available.
Do not for any reason attempt to increase the firing
of your heater by altering the air control adjustment
range outlined in these directions.
Never kindle a fire with colored paper or paper that
has colored ink or a glossy surface, and never burn
treated wood, garbage, solvents, or trash. All of these
may poison the catalyst and prevent it from operating
properly. Never burn cardboard or loose paper except
for kindling purposes. Never burn coal; doing so can
produce soot or large flakes of char or fly ash that can
Use the following air control settings as a starting point
to help determine the best settings for your installation.
Each is described as a fraction of the total distance the
lever may be moved from right to left.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
coat the combustor and cause smoke to spill into the
room. Coal smoke also can poison the catalyst so that it
won’t operate properly.
In general, the fire must be sufficiently well-established
to ensure catalytic activity is initiated. When first starting
a fire, maintain a medium- to high- firing rate for at least
twenty minutes. This ensures the stove, catalyst, and
fuel are all stabilized at the proper operating tempera-
tures. This may be long enough to warm the chimney
well enough to support a good draft; some installations
may need more time. Please read the Draft Manage-
ment information starting on Page 23 to see if your
installation has features that may require more time to
warm up.
Even though it is possible for the fire to get quite hot
within a few minutes, the combustor may stop working
or the fire may go out if the fire is allowed to die down
immediately as a result of closing the damper. Once the
combustor starts working, heat generated by burning
the smoke will keep it working.
Fig. 25 Start the fire with newspaper and dry kindling.
ENGINE OIL. Also, never use gasoline-type lantern
fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, or similar
liquids to start or “freshen up” a fire. Keep all such
liquids well away from the Intrepid II while it is in
To determine whether the combustor is operating, ob-
serve the amount of smoke leaving the chimney when
the damper is activated and when it is not. This proce-
dure is described on Page 27.
3. Light the newspaper and close the door. Gradu-
ally build up the fire by adding a few 76 - 127 mm
(3-5”) diameter splits. If this is one of the first few
“break-in” fires, let the fire burn brightly, and
then let it die out.
Conditioning Your Stove
Cast iron is extremely strong, but it can be broken with
a sharp blow from a hammer or from the thermal shock
of rapid and extreme temperature change.
During the break-in fires, don’t let the stove get hot-
ter than 260° C (500° F) as measured on an optional
stove-top thermometer. Adjust the air control lever
as necessary to control the fire. Some odor from the
stove’s hot metal, the paint, and the cement is normal
for the first few fires.
The cast plates expand and contract with changes in
temperature. When you first begin using your Intrepid II,
minimize thermal stress by allowing the plates to adjust
gradually during three or four initial break-in fires follow-
ing Steps 1-3 below.
Starting and Maintaining a Wood Fire
NOTE: Some chimneys need to be “primed,” or
warmed up, before they will draw sufficiently to start
a fire. To correct this situation, roll up a couple pieces
of newspaper, place them on top of the kindling and
toward the back of the stove, light them, and close the
doors. This should heat the chimney enough to initiate
a draft.
Burn solid wood fuel only in the Intrepid II, and burn it
directly on the grate. Do not elevate the fuel. Do not
burn coal or other fuels.
The damper must be open when starting a fire or
when refueling.
1. Open the stove damper, and open the primary air
control fully.
Once the draft is established, open the front door and
light the rest of the fuel from the bottom. Do not light the
main bed of fuel until the chimney begins drawing, and
repeat the procedure as often as necessary if the initial
attempt is unsuccessful.
2. Place several sheets of crumpled newspaper in the
stove. Do NOT use glossy advertisements or colored
paper, as they can poison the catalyst. Place on the
paper six or eight pieces of dry kindling split to a
finger-width size, and on the kindling lay two or three
larger sticks of split dry wood approximately 25 - 50
mm (1-2”) in diameter. (Fig. 25)
4. If your Intrepid II has been broken-in previously
using Steps 1-3, continue to build the fire gradually.
Add larger wood with a diameter of 76 - 102 mm (3-
4”). (Fig. 26)
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Fig. 26 Add larger pieces of wood as the fire begins to burn
Fig. 27 Add full size logs when the ember bed is 3” (75mm)
CAUTION: The Intrepid II will be hot while in opera-
tion. Keep children, clothing and furniture away.
Contact may cause skin burns.
Continue adding split logs of this size to the briskly-
burning fire until there is a glowing ember bed at
least 76 mm (3”) deep. A good ember bed is neces-
sary for proper functioning of the catalytic system
and may take an hour or more to establish.
5. Close the damper when the griddle temperature
reaches 230° C (450° F).
cause a house fire, or can result in permanent damage
to the stove and to the catalytic combustor. If any part
of the Intrepid II glows, you are overfiring.
6. Adjust the air control for your desired heat output.
Ash Disposal
Refuel While the Embers are Still Hot
Remove ash before it reaches the top of the ash pan.
Check the level at least once a day, and before each
re-fueling. If the ash is close to the top edge of the pan,
empty it according to this procedure:
Reload the Intrepid II while it is still hot and there are
plenty of glowing embers to re-kindle the fire. Include
some smaller pieces of wood in the new load of fuel to
help the stove rebuild its operating temperature quickly.
1. Open the damper.
Wear stove gloves, and follow this procedure when you
reload your stove:
2. Open the front doors fully.
3. Using stove gloves, pull the ash pan out of the stove
by its handle.
1. Open the thermostat lever.
2. Open the damper.
4. Remove the ash pan and properly dispose of the
3. Check the ash level in the ash pan; empty, if neces-
sary, and replace the pan.
ashes. Be sure to keep the pan level during dispos-
4. Open the griddle.
5. Return the ash pan to the stove.
5. Position the charcoal in the middle of the firebox
(Fig. 41)then load wood — smaller, split pieces first.
Increase the amount of fuel you load into the stove
as you become familiar with your stove and the
heating needs of your home.
Empty the ash pan regularly, typically every one to
three days. The frequency will vary depending on how
you operate your Intrepid II; if you burn more wood at
higher heat output settings, ash will accumulate rapidly.
Remove ash frequently and place it outdoors in a metal
container with a tight-fitting lid. Put the closed container
of ash on a noncombustible floor or on the ground,
well away from all combustible materials, pending final
disposal. If the ash is disposed of by burial in soil or
otherwise locally dispersed, keep it in the closed con-
tainer until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. You can
use wood ash as a garden fertilizer.
NOTE: If the remaining charcoal bed is relatively thick
and if your fuel is well seasoned, it is possible to add
fresh fuel (smaller pieces first), close the door and
damper, and reset the primary air thermostat for the
desired heat output.
Do not break the charcoal into very small pieces or
pound or compress the charcoal bed.
CAUTION: Never use your household or shop vacuum
cleaner to remove ash from the stove; always remove
and dispose of the ash properly.
It is important that air can circulate under the wood for
the fire to be quickly revived.
WARNING: Operate your Intrepid II only with the
doors either fully open or fully closed.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Draft Management
A stove is part of a system, which includes the chimney,
the operator, the fuel, and the home. The other parts of
the system will affect how well the stove works. When
there is a good match between all the parts, the system
works well.
Flue sizing
The inside size of a chimney for an ‘airtight’ stove
should match the size of the stove’s flue outlet. When a
chimney serves an airtight, more is not better; in fact, it
can be a disadvantage. Hot gases cool off through ex-
pansion; if we vent a stove with a 152 mm (6”) flue collar
{181 sq. cm (28 sq. in.) area} into a 254 x 254 mm (10”
x 10”) flue, the gases expand to over three times their
original size. This cools the gases, which weakens draft
strength. If an oversized flue is also outside the house,
the heat it absorbs gets transferred to the outdoor air
and the flue usually stays cool.
Wood stove operation depends on natural (unforced)
draft. Natural draft occurs when the smoke is hotter
(and therefore lighter) than the outdoor air at the top of
the chimney. The bigger the temperature difference, the
stronger the draft. As the smoke rises from the chimney
it provides suction or ‘draw’ that pulls air into the stove
for combustion. A slow, lazy fire with the stove’s air inlet
fully open indicates a weak draft. A brisk fire, supported
only by air entering the stove through the normal inlet,
indicates a good draft. The stove’s air inlet is passive;
it regulates how much air can enter the stove, but it
doesn’t move air into it.
It’s common for a masonry flue, especially one built for
a fireplace, to be oversized for an airtight stove. It can
take quite a while to warm up such a flue, and the re-
sults can be disappointing. The best solution to an over-
sized flue is an insulated steel chimney liner, the same
diameter as the stove or insert’s flue outlet; the liner
keeps the smoke at its original volume, and the result is
a stronger draft. An uninsulated liner is a second choice
- the liner keeps the smoke restricted to its original size,
but the smoke still must warm up the air around the
liner. This makes the warm-up process take longer.
Depending on the features of your installation - steel or
masonry chimney, inside or outside the house, matched
to the stove’s outlet or oversized - your system may
warm up quickly, or it may take a while to warm up and
operate well. With an ‘airtight’ stove, one which restricts
the amount of air getting into the firebox, the chimney
must keep the smoke warm all the way to the outdoors.
Some chimneys do this better than others. Here’s a list
of features and their effects.
Pipe & Chimney Layout
Every turn the smoke must take in its travel from the
stove to the chimney top will slow it down. The ideal
pipe and chimney layout is straight up from the stove,
to a completely straight chimney. If you’re starting
from scratch, use this layout if possible. If the stove-
pipe must elbow to enter a chimney, locate the thimble
about midway between the stove top and the ceiling.
This achieves several goals: it lets the smoke speed up
before it must turn, it leaves some pipe in the room for
heat transfer, and it gives you long-term flexibility for
installing a taller stove without relocating the thimble.
Masonry Chimney
Masonry is a traditional material for chimneys, but it
can perform poorly when it serves an ‘airtight’ stove.
Masonry is a very effective ‘heat sink’ - it absorbs a lot
of heat. It can cool the smoke enough to diminish draft.
The bigger the chimney, the longer it takes to warm up.
It’s often very difficult to warm up an outdoor masonry
chimney, especially an oversized one, and keep it warm
enough to maintain an adequate draft.
Steel Chimney
There should be no more than eight feet of single-wall
stove pipe between the stove and a chimney; longer
runs can cool the smoke enough to cause draft and
creosote problems. Use double-wall stove pipe for long
Most factory-made steel chimneys have a layer of in-
sulation around the inner flue. This insulation keeps the
smoke warm. The insulation is less dense than mason-
ry, so the inner steel liner warms up more quickly than a
masonry chimney. Steel doesn’t have the good looks of
masonry, but it performs much better.
Single Venting
Each ‘airtight’ stove requires its own flue. If an airtight
stove is vented to a flue that also serves an open fire-
place, or a leakier stove, it’s easier for the chimney draft
to pull air in through those channels than it is to pull air
through the airtight, and performance suffers. Imagine
a vacuum cleaner with a hole in the hose to see the ef-
fect here. In some cases the other appliance can even
cause a negative draft through the airtight, and result in
a dangerous draft reversal.
Indoor/Outdoor location
Because the chimney must keep the smoke warm, it’s
best to locate it inside the house. This uses the house
as insulation for the flue and allows a little heat release
into the home. An indoor chimney won’t lose its heat to
the outdoors, so it takes less heat from the stove to get
it warm and keep it warm.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
smoke rise to the flue more quickly, let more air into
the firebox, and avoid big loads of firewood. Run your
stove with enough primary air so that you always see
lively, dancing flames in the firebox; a lazy, smoky fire is
inefficient and can contribute to creosote buildup in the
Creosote is a by-product of slow wood-burning. It’s an
organic tar that can condense in the flue if it’s dense in
the smoke, and slow-moving, and cools off to less than
130° C (290° F). Condensed creosote is volatile, and
can generate chimney fires if it gets hot enough. All the
features that affect chimney draft also affect creosote
condensation - so use whatever combination of installa-
tion features and operational steps that will encourage
good draft and minimize creosote production.
Draft Testing
An easy way to test your chimney draft is to close the
stove’s damper, wait a few minutes to let the airflow
stabilize, then see whether you can vary the strength of
the fire by swinging the air control open and closed. Re-
sults are not always instant; you may need to wait a few
minutes for a change in the air control setting to have
an effect on the fire. If there’s no change, then the draft
isn’t strong enough yet to let you close the damper, and
you’ll need to open it for a while longer and manage the
fire with the air inlet until the draft strengthens. If you
keep track of your burning habits and relate them to
their effects on the stove’s operation, you’ll be rewarded
with good performance and a safe system.
Because letting the smoke cool off and slow down is
one of the keys to creosote production, it makes sense
to line a chimney to match the stove’s outlet size, for
safety reasons as well as performance. Consult a quali-
fied installer and check local and national codes for
recommended chimney size.
Even the best stove installation will not perform well
with poor fuel. The best fuel is hardwood that has air-
dried 12-18 months. Softwood burns, but not as long as
hardwood. Fairly ‘green’ wood has a good amount of
moisture in it; it will burn, but some of the heat potential
is used to drive the remaining moisture off the wood.
This reduces the amount that reaches your home and
can contribute to a creosote problem. There are mois-
ture meters available for firewood; you can also judge
your wood by its appearance and weight. If you get it
green, lift a piece and get a sense of its weight; it can
lose a third or more of its weight as it dries. Also look at
the ends of a log; as it dries it shrinks and often cracks.
The more weathered and cracked a piece is, the drier
it is.
Negative Pressure
Good draft also depends on a supply of air to the stove;
a chimney can’t pull in more air than is available to it.
Sluggish draft results when a house is tight enough to
prevent the ready flow of air to the stove, or by competi-
tion between the stove and other equipment that sends
indoor air outside - especially power-driven equipment
like range hoods, clothes dryers, etc. If the chimney
draws well with all other equipment turned off (or
sealed, in the case of fireplaces and/or other stoves),
then you simply need to be careful with timing the use
of the other equipment. If you need to crack a nearby
window or door to enable the chimney to draw well,
that’s a sign that you should install an outside-air intake
to bring combustion air directly to the stove. Vermont
Castings dealers carry adapters to attach to the stove
to connect an air duct for outdoor combustion air.
Dry wood burns readily with a good chimney draft. But
with modern stoves, especially catalytic ones, the wood
can be too dry. While extra-dry wood has little creosote
in it, the remainder can ‘gas out’ from the wood quickly
and densely enough to overload the catalytic burner.
If you hear a rumbling or roaring noise, like a propane
torch, from the stove, that is a sign that the catalyst is
seriously overfiring. The catalyst is a platinum film on a
ceramic base; the metal can get to higher temperatures
than the ceramic can take, and overfiring the catalyst
can break it. Dry wood can also burn out faster than
you want. If your dry wood burns out too quickly or
overloads the catalyst you can mix in greener wood to
slow the fire down.
In many cases, local or national codes require the
installation of permanently open air vents, particularly
with larger appliances (i.e. above 5 kW). Refer to these
codes to determine specific requirements for your
Wood-burning is an art rather than a science. Once the
stove and chimney system are in place, the stove user
can only vary technique, mostly your timing, to achieve
good results. If you keep track of your burning habits
and relate them to their effects on the stove’s operation,
you’ll be rewarded with good performance and a safe
Back-puffing results when the fire produces volatile
gases faster than the chimney draft pulls them out of
the firebox. The gases back up in the firebox till they’re
dense enough and hot enough to ignite. If your stove
back-puffs, you should open up the damper to let the
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Let the fire in the stove go out and allow the stove to
cool completely before beginning any maintenance
4. Install the glass. Lay the glass on the inner gasket
with the coated side down (toward the outside of
the door). Tighten the screws snugly, but loose
enough to allow for a little movement of the glass
when the stove is in operation. Overtightening can
crack the glass immediately or cause it to crack if it
is unable to expand when hot.
Care of the Cast Iron Surface
An occasional dusting with a dry rag will keep the
painted cast iron of your Intrepid looking new.
The stove’s paint can be touched up as needed. First,
clean the areas to be painted with a wire brush. Then,
touch up the stove with high temperature stove paint.
Apply the paint sparingly, and keep in mind that two
light coats of paint are better than a single heavy one.
Care of Porcelain Enamel Finish
Use a dry or slightly damp rag or a soft brush to remove
spills or stains. For difficult jobs that require a cleaning
agent, use only a kitchen appliance cleaner or polish
recommended for use on enamel surfaces.
Cleaning the Glass
Most of the carbon deposits on the glass will burn off
during hot fires. However, the ash residue that accumu-
lates on the glass surface should be removed regularly
to prevent etching. Follow this procedure to clean the
• Be sure the glass is completely cool.
• Clean the glass with water or a cleaner made
especially for this purpose. Do not use abrasive
• Rinse the glass thoroughly.
• Dry the glass completely.
Fig. 28 Door glass installation.
Check the Operation of the
Primary Air Shutter
The primary air shutter is visible from the back of the
stove. The shutter must open and close freely when
you move the thermostat lever. If it does not, check for
any obstruction, or for a bound or stretched chain need-
ing adjustment. (Fig. 29)
Glass Replacement
Replace glass only with Part no. 140-1156 right side
and 140-1157 left side glass panels. The glass panel
rests on a cushion provided by a rope gasket part no
1203556, and is held in place by clips. (Fig. 28) The
glass is IR coated on one side which is marked “THIS
On a cold stove the shutter should be open no more
than 1/8” (3mm) when the primary air control lever is
pushed completely to the left (closed), as seen from the
back of the stove. When the lever is pushed completely
to the right (open), the shutter should be open to an
angle of approximately 70° from the stove back.
1. Remove the door from the stove and place it on a
sturdy, level work surface. Use a towel to protect
the porcelain enamel finish.
The ball chain should measure 216 mm (8¹⁄₂”) from
connection to the thermostat coil to connection on the
primary air flap.
2. Remove the retainer clips. (Two phillips head
screws on each clip.)
3. Inspect the gasket. If the window gasket is in good
condition, you can leave it in place. If you replace
it, use only Part No. 1203556. Be sure the channel
around the window opening is clean, and free of
If setting is incorrect, the thermostat coil may be bent or
broken. Call your Vermont Castings Dealer for assis-
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Tighten the Damper Handle as Needed
Thermostat Lever
The damper handle is attached to the damper rod
with a set screw bearing against a flat spot on the rod.
Check the set screw periodically for tightness; tighten
as needed.
Damper Adjustment
When the stove damper is closed, the pressure of the
rod against the damper plate assures a good seal be-
tween the damper and the damper housing. Adjustment
may be needed after a period of time to retain adequate
Primary Air Shutter
To make this adjustment, start with the damper in the
closed and locked position. (Fig. 31) Loosen the 7/16”
locking nut in the center of the damper. Use a 1/8” Allen
wrench to turn the Allen screw a full turn clockwise. Test
the damper for snugness, and continue adjusting the
Allen screw as needed. Tighten the 7/16” locking nut
when the damper operates smoothly but firmly.
Fig. 29 The primary air shutter must move freely.
How to Adjust the Door Latch
Over time, the gasketing around the doors will com-
press, and the latch may need adjustment. To adjust
the latch, loosen the small locking nut, extend the
striker screw one turn while keeping the striker screw
from turning. (Fig. 30) Keep making adjustments a little
at a time until the setting is right.
Thermostat Cover
The front doors of the stove should close securely and
tightly, when the handle is in the closed position. When
the latch is properly adjusted there should be a slight
resistance as the doors are moved to the completely
closed position.
Damper Actuator
Small Lock-
ing Nut
Locking Nut
Allen Head Ad-
justment Screw
Striker Screw
Fig. 31 Tighten the damper adjustment screw for a snug
Large Lock-
ing Nut
Set Screw
Handle Stub
Fig. 30 Turn the door latch striker screw in or out to tighten or
loosen the door latch.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
You should see significantly more smoke after the sec-
ond step, when the stove damper is open and smoke
does not go through the combustor. However, do not
confuse smoke with steam form wet wood; steam dis-
appears rapidly in the air, smoke does not.
The Catalytic Combustion System
Inspection and Cleaning
This wood heater includes a catalytic combustor, which
needs periodic inspection and replacement for proper
operation. In the United States, it is against the law to
operate this wood heater in a manner inconsistent with
the operating instructions in this manual, or if the cata-
lytic element is deactivated or removed.
If this test indicates a problem, consider other possible
factors as well, such as the time of year or a change
in the quality of your fuel. In spring and fall, draft is
weaker than it is during colder winter weather, and fires
can burn sluggishly. Small, hot fires are a good solution
under these conditions.
Under normal operating conditions the catalytic element
should remain active for two to six years (depending on
the amount of wood burned). However, it is important
to monitor the combustor periodically to ensure that it
is functioning properly as well as to determine when it
needs to be replaced.
“Green” (insufficiently seasoned) wood will burn more
poorly than properly seasoned fuel. You may have to
run your stove hotter (with more primary air) to achieve
good performance if you are burning green or wet
A probe thermostat, passing through the back of the
stove into the catalytic combustion chamber, automati-
cally regulates the catalytic combustion air supply.
Deterioration of the probe may result in decreased
catalytic combustor performance.
Also, consider any changes in your burning routine.
Once you have ruled out any other possible causes for
decline in performance, you may inspect the combus-
tor and probe. Wear a dust mask, safety glasses, and
gloves. Refer to Figure 32 as a guide.
A poorly-functioning catalytic combustion system will
result in a loss of heating efficiency, and an increase in
creosote and emissions.
1. Remove the andirons.
2. Reach inside the stove with a pair of pliers and turn
the two clamps that hold the fireback 90°. Turn the
left clamp clockwise, and the right clamp counter-
The combustor should be visually inspected in place for
fly ash accumulation and physical damage three times
per year. Do not remove the combustor unless a more
detailed inspection is warranted because of diminished
performance as outlined below, or to inspect the probe
3. Grasp the fireback by its vertical ribs and remove it,
together with the attached throat hood. Pull the left
side out first.
The refractory package that houses the catalytic com-
bustor should be inspected annually for a buildup of flay
ash, and cleaned if necessary. This may be done during
examination of the combustor.
4. Carefully clean the left and right exhaust pockets of
the refractory package. Use a shop vacuum, ideally
one with a very fine filter, and be careful to avoid
damaging the refractory material. This material can
stand high temperatures, but it is somewhat brittle
The probe thermostat should be inspected annually, or
more often if decreased catalytic combustion perfor-
mance is not due to a defective combustor.
5. Carefully remove the refractory access panel in front
of the catalytic element.
When to Suspect a Combustion
System Problem
6. Gently slide the catalytic element out of the refrac-
tory chamber. Check the element and the bottom of
the chamber for a buildup of fly ash.
The best way to evaluate the performance of your In-
trepid II’s combustion system is to watch the amount of
smoke leaving the chimney - both when the combustor
has achieved “light-off” and when it has not. Follow this
7. If the catalytic element is clogged, take it outdoors
for cleaning. Blow gently through the honeycomb. A
large amount of fly ash may come out of the ele-
8. Inspect the element. Although small hairline cracks
will not affect performance, the element should be
largely intact. If the element is broken in pieces or
has large sections missing, replace it. Call your
dealer for a replacement element, part no. 160-
With a fire going and the combustor activated, with the
damper closed to send smoke through the combustor
as described in the Operation Section, go outside and
watch the smoke leaving the chimney.
Then, open the stove damper and again watch the
smoke leaving the chimney.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
6. Remove the damper housing. It is held in place by
two weld screws and two chrome acorn nuts in the
back of the stove. Loosen the chrome acorn nuts
and rotate the tabs to release the damper housing.
You may find it necessary to remove or loosen the
thermostat cover to access the one of acorn nuts
installed behind the cover.
Refractory Chamber
Catalytic Block
7. Remove the rear airtube in the back of the stove
which is held in place with two phillips screws.
with Throat
8. Take out the secondary probe by removing the upper
phillips screw and sliding the probe out of the hole.
9. Lift the damaged refractory chamber up and out of
the firebox.
10. Reverse the procedure for installing the new refrac-
tory chamber.
Refractory Access Panel
Fig. 32 Removing the catalytic element.
Replace the Stove Gaskets as Needed
9. Use a flashlight and a mirror, inserted into one of
the exhaust pockets of the refractory chamber, to in-
spect the probe. The end of the probe should extend
about 1” into the combustion chamber, and should
not show any signs of deterioration.
The Intrepid uses fiberglass rope gaskets to make a
tight seal between some parts. With use, particularly on
those parts that move, gaskets can become brittle and
compressed, and can begin to lose their effectiveness.
These will need periodic replacement.
Use the stove in your usual manner for two weeks,
inspecting the chimney and the chimney connector
The sizes of replaceable gasket are listed below, along
with their applications.
Gasket Diameter... And the Parts it Seals
5/16” wire gasket The griddle to the stove top
If creosote does not build up as quickly as before, it is
likely that the performance change was caused by fly
ash deposits on the catalytic element. However, moni-
tor the chimney system for a few weeks to ensure that
proper performance continues.
The damper to the upper fire
back; the front doors to the
stove front; and the door
halves to each other
If you continue to find a significant creosote buildup or if
you continue to see excessive smoke from the chimney,
the catalytic element will need to be replaced. Call your
dealer for information about a replacement.
There is a flat, die-cut gasket between each glass panel
and its door. See page 25 for information on replacing
the glass panel or its gasket.
If you need to change a gasket, first obtain an appropri-
ate replacement from your Vermont Castings, Dealer.
NOTE: Use only replacement catalyst, part no. 160-
Wait until the fire is out and the stove has cooled. Be
sure to follow the standard safety procedure for working
with dusty materials: Wear safety goggles and a dust
Replace Refractory Package
Refer to Figure 32.
1. Remove andirons.
The procedure for replacing the gaskets is the same,
regardless of the gasket location.
2. Reach inside the stove with a pair of pliers and turn
the two clamps that hold the fireback 90°. Turn the
left clamp clockwise and the right clamp counter-
clockwise. The bolts that hold these clamps are
tapped into the back as well as capped by chrome
acorn nuts in the back.
1. Remove the existing gasket by grasping an end and
pulling firmly.
2. Use a wire brush or a screwdriver to clean the chan-
nel of any remaining cement or bits of gasket. Re-
move stubborn deposits of cement with a cold chisel
if necessary.
3. Grasp the upper fireback by its vertical ribs and re-
move it, together with the attached throat hood. Pull
the left side out first.
3. Determine the correct length of the appropriate-sized
gasket by laying it out in the channel. Allow an extra
25-50 mm (1-2”) and mark the spot to be cut.
4. Carefully remove the refractory access panel in front
of the catalytic block.
5. Gently slide the catalytic block out of the refractory
4. Remove the gasket from the channel, place it on a
wood cutting surface, and cut it at the marked spot
with a utility knife. Twist the ends slightly to keep the
gasket from unraveling.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
extremely hot fire within the flue system that can dam-
age the chimney and overheat adjacent combustible
5. Lay an unbroken 3 mm (1/8”) bead of gasket cement
in the newly-cleaned channel. Starting at one end,
press the gasket into the channel. Ensure a good
joint where the gasket meets before trimming any
excess. Do not overlap the gasket ends or leave
ends with ragged edges.
If you do have a chimney fire, act promptly to:
• Close the damper and thermostat lever.
• Get everyone out of the house.
6. Press the gasketed part firmly against its normal
mating surface to seat the gasket evenly in its chan-
• Call the Fire department.
You should inspect the system every two weeks during
the heating season as part of a regular maintenance
schedule. To inspect the chimney, let the stove cool
completely. Then, using a mirror and a strong light,
sight up through the flue collar into the chimney flue. If it
is not possible to inspect the flue system in this fashion
the stove must be disconnected to provide better view-
ing access.
7. For doors, replace the doors and close them on
a piece of waxed paper to keep the cement from
migrating onto the stove front, or tap other parts with
the rubber mallet (or hammer/block of wood).
8. Clean excess cement from around the channel. Let
the cement that holds the new gasket dry thoroughly.
Adjust the Door if Necessary
If a significant layer of creosote has accumulated -3 mm
(1/8”) or more - remove it to reduce the risk of a chim-
ney fire.
The door latch or damper mechanism may need adjust-
ment after you have regasketed them. Initially, it may
require loosening to accommodate the new gasket; af-
ter a few weeks, it may need tightening to compensate
for compression of the new gasket. The directions for
adjusting the latch and damper are on Page 26.
Clean the chimney using a brush the same size and
shape as the flue liner. Flexible fiberglass rods are used
to run the brush up and down the liner, causing any
deposits to fall to the bottom of the chimney where they
can be removed through the clean out door.
Permanent Gaskets
The chimney connector should be cleaned by discon-
necting the sections, taking them outside, and removing
any deposits with a stiff wire brush. Reinstall the con-
nector sections after cleaning, being sure to secure the
individual sections with sheet metal screws.
Other gaskets seal between non-moving parts, but
these are not subject to the same wear and deteriora-
tion as gaskets on moving parts. It is unlikely that you
will ever need to replace these gaskets unless the
involved parts are disassembled and then put back
together. If this is the case, the job should be done only
by a qualified service technician. The diameter of the
gasket that seals these non-moving parts is 5/16”, and
the areas sealed are the flue collar to the stove back;
and the lower fireback to the sides. The glass panels
use a special die-cut flat gasket; refer to Page 23 for
information on these.
If you cannot inspect or clean the chimney yourself,
contact your local Vermont Castings authorized dealer
or hire a professional chimney sweep.
Annual Maintenance
Every spring, at the end of the heating season, perform
a thorough cleaning, inspection and repair. The stove
and chimney system should be inspected and main-
tained by a qualified engineer.
The Chimney System
• Thoroughly clean the chimney and chimney connec-
Your Intrepid II is designed to reduce creosote buildup
significantly. However, regular chimney inspection and
maintenance must still be performed. For safety, good
stove performance, and to protect your chimney and
chimney connector, inspect the chimney and chimney
connector on a regular schedule. Clean the system if
necessary. Failure to keep the chimney and connector
system clean can result in a serious chimney fire.
• Inspect the chimney for damage and deterioration.
Replace weak sections of prefabricated chimney.
Have a mason make repairs to a masonry chimney.
• Inspect the chimney connector and replace any
damaged sections.
• Check gasketing for wear or compression, and
replace if necessary. A ‘paper test’ will guide you on
this. Close and lock the door or damper on a slip of
paper and then try to pull the paper out. If the paper
pulls out with little or no resistance, the gasket is not
snug enough at that spot. If adjusting the damper or
latch does not result in a seal that makes it hard to
pull the paper out, replace the gasketing.
When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar, organic
vapors and moisture that combine to form creosote.
The creosote vapors condense in the relatively cool
chimney flue. As a result, creosote residue accumulates
on the flue lining. When ignited, this creosote makes an
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
• Inspect and clean the catalytic block, and vacuum
out the ash at the bottom of the back plate after
removing the lower fireback. Lightly clean the refrac-
tory assembly that houses the element. Be careful
not to damage the refractory material, which is very
• Check heat shield screws. Tighten as necessary.
• Clean dust from the inner sides of bottom, rear and
connector heat shields.
• Remove ashes from the ash pan and replace with
moisture absorbing material (such as cat litter) to
keep the stove interior dry. Close the stove door to
keep cats from using the litter.
• Inspect the secondary probe thermometer.
• Check door and damper handles for tightness. Ad-
just if needed.
• Touch up the paint on black stoves.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Appendix: Catalytic Combustor
In any chemical reaction, including the combustion
process, there are certain conditions which must be
met before the reaction can take place. For example, a
reaction may require a certain temperature, or a certain
concentration of the reactants (the combustion gases
and oxygen), or a certain amount of time. Catalysts,
though not changed themselves during the reaction,
have the ability to act at a molecular level to change
these requirements. In the Intrepid II’s secondary
combustion chamber the catalyst reduces the tempera-
ture at which secondary combustion can start from the
540 - 650° C (1000 - 1200° F) range to the 260 - 315° C
(500 - 600° F) range, increasing efficiency, and reduc-
ing creosote and emissions.
Masking and Poisoning
While the catalyst itself does not enter into the combus-
tion process, it is possible for certain elements, such
as lead and sulfur, to attach to the active sites on the
surface of the honeycomb. Though the catalyst is still
there, it is covered, or masked, by the contaminant, and
cannot function. To avoid this situation, it is important
not to burn anything in your Intrepid II that is a source
of these contaminants. Particularly avoid painted or
treated wood, coal, household trash, colored papers,
metal foils, or plastics. Chemical chimney cleaners may
also contain harmful elements. The safest approach is
to burn only untreated, natural wood.
The catalytic reaction, though advantageous, does
have some limitations of its own. Primary among these
it that the reactants (the gases) come into close physi-
cal contact with the catalyst itself.
Flame Impingement
The catalytic element is not designed for exposure to
direct flame. If you continually overfire your Intrepid
II, the chemistry of the catalyst coating may be altered,
inhibiting the combustion process. A glowing stove part
at the back of the firebox is a sign of over-firing.
To ensure the necessary contact, the catalytic element
in your Intrepid II is composed of a ceramic base in the
shape of a honeycomb. On each of the honeycomb’s
many surfaces a coating of the catalyst (usually a
noble metal such as platinum or palladium) is applied.
The large surface area exposed in this configuration
ensures that the combustion gases have the greatest
opportunity to come in contact with the catalyst.
Thermal degradation of the ceramic base may also oc-
cur, causing the element to disintegrate. Stay within the
recommended guidelines of the Operation section.
Mechanical Damage
If the element is mishandled, damage may occur.
Always treat the element carefully. Remember the
catalyst is made of a ceramic material; treat it as you
would fine china. Hairline cracks will not affect the
performance of the catalyst, as long as the steel sleeve
holds the element in the proper position.
Loss of catalytic activity will be apparent in several
ways. First you may notice an increase in fuel con-
sumption. Second, there will be a visible increase in the
rate at which creosote builds up in your chimney con-
nector system. You may also notice a heavy discharge
of smoke from the chimney. A number of catalytic
problems which can cause loss of activity are described
Peeling of the surface coat may occur if the catalytic
element is frequently subjected to excessive tempera-
tures. Follow the operating instructions carefully to
avoid this type of damage.
While the honeycomb pattern ensures good contact, it
also increases the resistance to flow of the combustion
gases, and, because of the many surfaces, provides
more places for creosote and fly ash to deposit. It is
important to follow the operating instructions in order
to minimize these deposits, and to periodically inspect
your catalyst for signs of blockage.
Every CFM Corporation product is equipped with either
a Corning “Long-Life”® or a Technical Glass Products
“Honeycomb”®. The products are equivalent. If for any
reason you must ship your catalytic element, remem-
ber its fragile nature. Place the element in a plastic
bag, and package it with a generous amount of shock
absorbing material.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
CFM Corporation reserves the right to make changes in design, materials, specifications, prices and discontinue colors and products at any time,
without notice.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Model 1990CE
Item Description
Part Number
Item Description
Part Number
1. Secondary Air Cover
2. Flue Collar
3. Back Panel
4. Damper Rod
5. Damper Clip
6. Damper
7. Damper Housing
8. Throat Hood
9. Weld Screw
See Chart Pg. 29
12. 3/8” - 16 x 1¹⁄₂” Hex Bolt
13. Lower Fireback
15. Rear Air Tube
16. Thermostat Cover
17. Damper Handle Assembly
18. Friction Spring
20. Thermostat Clip
21. Ball Chain Fitting (2)
22. Ball Chain
22a. Thermostat Assembly
23. Primary Air Flap
10. Upper Fireback
11. Fireback Clamp
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
CFM Corporation reserves the right to make changes in design, materials, specifications, prices and discontinue colors and products at any time,
without notice.
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Model 1990CE (continued)
Item Description
24. Air Flap Pin
25. Clip
26. #10-24 x 3/8” Pan Head Bolt
27. #10-24 x 1/4” Pan Head Bolt
28. Secondary Probe Assembly
29. Secondary Air Link
30. Phillips Bolt, 1/4”-20 x 5/8”
31. Shim Ring
Part Number
Item Description
Part Number
35. Refractory Access Panel
36. Andiron
37. Left Insert
38. Grate
39. Right Insert
40. Ashpan Only
41. Ashpan Front Only
42. Ashpan Handle
43. Damper Tab
44. Griddle
32. Secondary Air Flap
33. Refractory Chamber w/ Access Panel
34. Catalyst Block
45. Right Griddle Quad
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Model 1990CE (continued)
Item Description
46. Left Griddle Quad
47. Top
48. Right Side
49. Bottom
50. Left Side
51. Leg
52. Tie Rod
53. Leg Bolt, 3/8”-16 x 1” Hex Bolt
54. Right Air Manifold
55. Left Air Manifold
56. Handle Holder
57. Front
58. Left Door
59. Left Glass Panel2
60. Right Door
61. Right Glass Panel2
62. Handle Bolt, 1/4”-20 x 3³⁄₈”1
63. Ceramic Handle1
64. Handle Insert1
65. Front Door Handle
66. Griddle Handle Assembly
67. Gasket, Fiberglas 3/16” Rnd, Blk
68. Latch Assembly
69. Glass Clips, Bottom
70. Glass Clips, Side
71. Glass Clips, Top
72. Nut, Jam
Part Number
Please record the following information
for future reference.
See Chart Pg. 29
See Chart Pg. 29
See Chart Pg. 29
See Chart Pg. 29
See Chart Pg. 29
Stove Serial No. _____________________
Dealer ____________________________
Phone _____________________________
Date Purchased _____________________
See Chart Pg. 29
See Chart Pg. 29
See Chart Pg. 29
Installer ___________________________
Phone _____________________________
Date Installed _______________________
1. Part of assembly 0004345.
2. The glass panels have a heat-reflective coating on the
outside and are not interchangeable.
73. Ashpan Assembly
Shell Enamel Parts - Intrepid II Model 1990
Left Door Right Door Single
Bordeaux 2328657
1306764 1308656 1308655 1306561 1308647
1308648 1306333
30003178 30003182
2328648 2326333
30003180 30003174 30003176 30003175 30003181 30003177 30003179
2326764 2328656 2328655 2326561 2328647
30003190 30003184 30003186 30003185 30003191 30003187 30003189
30003200 30003194 30003196 30003195 30003201 30003197 30003199
30001888 30003192
30003198 30003202
2316764 2318656 2318655 2316561 2318647
2318648 2316333
2376764 2378656 2378655 2376561 2378647
1326764 1328656 1328655 1326561 1328647
2378648 2376333
1328648 1326333
30002571 30002567 30002569 30002568 30002508 30002570 30002506
30003210 30003204 30003206 30003205 30003211 30003207 30003209
30002505 30002509
30003208 30003212
Intrepid II Woodburning Stove
Exclusions & Limitations
1. This warranty is transferable; however, proof of original retail pur-
chase is required.
Limited 3 Year Warranty
CFM Corporation warrants that this woodburning stove will be free of de-
fects in material and workmanship for a period of three years from the date
you receive it, except that the catalyst, thermostat assembly, handles, glass
door panels, cement, and gasketing shall be warranted as described below.
2. This warranty does not cover misuse of the stove. Misuse includes
overfiring which will result if the stove is used in such a manner as
to cause one or more of the plates to glow red. Overfiring can be
identified later by warped plates and areas where the paint pigment
has burned off. Overfiring in enamel fireplaces is identified by bub-
bling, cracking, chipping and discoloration of the porcelain enamel
finish. CFM Corporation offers no warranty on chipping of enamel
surfaces. Inspect your woodburning stove prior to accepting it for
any damage to the enamel.
CFM Corporation will repair or replace, at its option, any part found
to be defective upon inspection by a Vermont Castings, Authorized
Dealer. The customer must return the defective part or the stove, with
shipping prepaid, to the Authorized Dealer or pay for any Authorized
Dealer in-home travel fees or service charges for in-home repair work.
It is the dealer’s option whether the repair work will be done in the cus-
tomer’s home or in the dealer’s shop. If, upon inspection, the damage is
found to be the fault of the manufacturer, repairs will be authorized at no
charge to the customer for parts and/or labor.
3. This warranty does not cover misuse of the stove as described
in the Owner’s Guide, nor does it cover an stove which has been
modified unless authorized by a CFM Corporation representative in
writing. This warranty does not cover damage to the stove caused
by burning salt saturated wood, chemically treated wood, or any fuel
not recommended in the Owner’s Guide.
Any woodburning stove or part thereof that is repaired or replaced dur-
ing the limited warranty period will be warranted under the terms of the
limited warranty for a period not to exceed the remaining term of the
original limited warranty or six (6) months, whichever is longer.
4. This warranty does not cover a stove repaired by someone other
than a Vermont Castings Authorized Dealer.
Limited 1 Year Warranty
5. Damage to the unit while in transit is not covered by this warranty
but is subject to a claim against the common carrier. Contact
Vermont Castings Authorized Dealer from whom you purchased
your stove or CFM Corporation if the purchase was direct. (Do not
operate the stove as this may negate the ability to process the claim
with the carrier.)
The following parts of the woodburning stove are warranted to be free
of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from
the date you receive it: The thermostat assembly, handles, glass door
panels, cement, and gasketing. Any of these items found to be defec-
tive will be repaired or replaced at no charge, upon the return of the part
with postage prepaid to a Vermont Castings Authorized Dealer.
6. Claims are not valid where the installation does not conform to local
building and fire codes or, in their absence, to the recommendations
in our Owner’s Guide.
Any part repaired or replaced during the limited warranty period will
be warranted under the terms of the limited warranty for a period not
to exceed the remaining term of the original limited warranty or six (6)
months, whichever is longer.
7. The salt air environment of coastal areas, or a high-humidity en-
vironment, can be corrosive to the porcelain enamel finish. These
conditions can cause rusting of the cast iron beneath the porcelain
enamel finish, which will cause the porcelain enamel finish to flake
off. This warranty does not cover damage caused by a salt air or
high-humidity environment.
Limited Catalyst Warranty
The catalyst will be warranted for a six year period as follows: If the
original catalyst or a replacement catalyst proves defective or ceases to
maintain 70% of its particulate emission reduction activity (as measured
by an approved testing procedure) within 24 months from the date the
stove is received, the catalyst itself will be replaced free.
8. CFM Corporation shall have no obligation to enhance or update any
unit once manufactured.
From 25 - 72 months a pro-rated credit will be allowed against a re-
placement catalyst and the cost of labor necessary for its installation at
the time of replacement.
For stove purchases made after June 30, 1990, a third year
(25 - 36 months) of no charge replacement will be made when combus-
tor failure is due to thermal degradation of the substrate (crumbling of
ceramic material). The customer must pay for any in-home travel fees,
service charges, or transportation costs for returning the stove to the
Authorized Dealer.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidential and
consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives
you specific rights and you may have other rights which vary from state
to state.
Amount of Time
Since Purchase
0 - 24 months
25 - 36 months
37 - 48 months
49 - 60 months
61 - 72 months
Credit Towards
Replacement Cost
50 %
How to Obtain Service
If a defect is noted within the warranty period, the customer should
contact a Vermont Castings Authorized Dealer or CFM Corporation if
the purchase was direct with the following information:
Any replacement catalyst will be warranted under the terms of the
catalyst warranty for the remaining term of the original warranty. The
purchaser must provide the following information in order to receive a
replacement catalyst under the terms of this limited warranty:
1. Name, address, and telephone number of the purchaser.
2. Date of purchase.
3. Serial number from the label on the back.
4. Nature of the defect or damage.
1. Name, address and telephone number.
2. Proof of original purchase date.
3. Date of failure of catalyst.
5. Any relevant information or circumstances, e.g., installation,
mode of operation when defect was noted.
A warranty claim will then start in process. CFM Corporation reserves
the right to withhold final approval of a warranty claim pending a visual
inspection of the defect by authorized representatives.
4. Any relevant information or circumstances regarding determina-
tion of failure.
5. In addition, the owner must return the failed catalyst.
CFM Corporation
2695 Meadowvale Blvd. • Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 8A3
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