refillable coffee holder
(model 09402)
Replaces the Philips* Senseo* model HD7810/15,
HD7810/65, and HD7810/75 pod holder.
Before using the Presto MyPod refillable coffee holder with your Philips* Senseo* pod coffee maker, be sure the coffee maker
is in good working condition.
Coffee scoop
Refillable coffee holder
Important Information
1. Your coffee maker is not designed to brew all grinds
1⁄2 fill line
of coffee. It is instead designed for use with the
pods that accompany the unit. You can enjoy similar
results by using a drip coffee maker grind when
using the Presto MyPod refillable coffee holder.
If you grind your coffee from beans, be sure that
the texture feels no coarser than table salt and no
finer than sugar. You can tell by the coffee produced
if you have the right grind; if too fine, little or no
coffee will be dispensed; if too coarse, a weaker than
desired brew will be produced.
lifting pin
Fig. A
Coffee filter
*Senseo and Philips are trademarks of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. LTD. LIAB. CO.
National Presto is not affiliated with that company.
2. Your coffee maker will dispense more coffee with
the Presto MyPod refillable coffee holder than it
2006 by NPI, Inc.
does when using the pods that accompany the unit. Depending on the size of the cup used, it may
Fig. B
side up
note: We recommend that you remain by the coffee maker during the brew cycle. You can
stop the flow at any time, by pressing the indicator light button on the coffee maker.
3. When using the Presto MyPod refillable coffee holder, your coffee maker will not produce
Brewing Coffee
Before first use, wash the coffee scoop, refillable coffee holder, and compacting cover in warm, soapy
water. Rinse thoroughly.
Fig. C
1. Place a Presto MyPod coffee filter in the refillable coffee holder. Moisten the filter slightly to
prevent slippage inside the holder.
2. Using the coffee scoop (Fig. A), pour 1 to 11⁄2 scoops of ground coffee on the filter in the refillable
coffee holder. Use 1 scoop for normal strength coffee and 11⁄2 scoops for stronger coffee. Do not
use more than 11⁄2 scoops of coffee.
Using a damp paper towel, brush off any coffee grounds on the rim of the holder before placing the holder in the coffee
use a drip coffee maker grind not an espresso grind of coffee. if you grind your own coffee, it should have a texture
which feels no finer than sugar and no coarser than table salt.
3. Position the compacting cover over the coffee grounds so the flat side is facing up (Fig. B) and push it down firmly and
completely to compact the coffee grounds. Depress retractable lifting pin before use.
4. Remove the pod holder that came with your Philips* Senseo* pod coffee maker. Replace it with the Presto MyPod refillable
coffee holder (Fig. C) and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for brewing coffee.
PResto limited Warranty
This quality PRESTO appliance is designed and built to provide many years of satisfactory performance under normal
household use. Presto pledges to the original owner that should there be any defects in material or workmanship during
the first year after purchase, we will repair or replace it at our option. Our pledge does not apply to damage caused by
shipping or any failure or defect of an appliance not made by Presto. To obtain service under the warranty, return this
PRESTO appliance, shipping prepaid, to the Presto Factory Service Department.When returning a product, please include
a description of the defect and indicate the date the appliance was purchased.
We want you to obtain maximum enjoyment from using this PRESTO appliance and ask that you read and follow the
instructions enclosed. Failure to follow instructions, damage caused by improper replacement parts, abuse or misuse will
void this pledge. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state
to state. This is Presto’s personal pledge to you and is being made in place of all other express warranties.
national PResto inDustRies, inC.
eau Claire, Wi 54703-3703
Form 72-665C
Replacement Coffee Filters
for your Presto MyPod refillable coffee holder
To order additional coffee filters, please send $1.50 for each package of 100 coffee filters plus shipping and handling. Use one
of these three methods for easy ordering:
• Call 715-839-2209* weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Central Time.
• Use the order form below.
Make checks payable to National Presto Industries, Inc.
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Prices are subject to change without notice.
*Payment options on telephone and internet orders limited to charge cards only. This offer good in the USA only.
Clip and mail this form
Mail to:
MyPod™ Coffee Maker Filters
P.O. Box 1212
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Please send me the following:
______ Package(s) of 100 Coffee Filters (Part No. 09993) for the
Presto® MyPod™ refillable coffee holder@ $1.50 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_______
Postage and handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_______
Add sales tax for:
NY 8.625%, TX 8.25%, WA 8.5%, WI 5% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_______
TOTAL COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_______
Enclosed is my check or money order for $___________________
I authorize you to charge my charge card account.
(Check card type and indicate account number and expiration date.)
American Express
Acct. No. _______________________________________ Expires ________________________
Please provide your daytime phone number in case we need to contact you about your order:
) ________________-_________________________________
Please Print Clearly
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