Master Clock
Operations Manual
Revision 2.0
Vortex Communications Ltd
75 The Grove, Ealing
Tel: +44-(0)20-8579 2743
Fax: +44-(0)20-8840 0018
E-Mail: info@vtx.co.uk
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Co n t e n t s
In t ro d u ct io n
Package Contents
Qu ick St a rt a n d Tim e Lo rd Pro g ra m m in g
Quick Start 1-4
Quick Start 5-8
Frequently Asked Questions
TimeLord Programming
Programming menus
Setting the time and date
Leap second insertion
Status display
System set-up
In st a lla t io n
Lo ca t io n Se t u p
City / Location Table
Syn ch ro n isa t io n Se t u p
GPS Synchronisation
MSF and DCF Synchronisation
Tim e Zo n e Se t u p
Se ria l Se t u p
Serial Messages Table
Re la y Se t u p
Relay Modes Table
Ne t w o rk Se t u p
Operation & Quick Setup
TCP/IP Concepts
Supported Protocols
1 0
1 1
1 2
IRIG Se t u p
IRIG Format Table
EBU Se t u p
EBU Format Table
Im p u lse Se t u p
Operation and Quick setup
Ca b le sp e cifica t io n s
Ca se d im e n sio n s
Su p p o rt e d d e vice s
NTP Syn ch ro n isa t io n Op t io n
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Additional optional output - IRIG timecode interface (IRIG-OUT)
1 - In t ro d u ct io n
IRIG interface
TimeLord series Master Clocks provides an ideal time
synchronisation solution for complete systems of equipment,
including computer networks, CCTV security, voice recording,
industrial process control and CCC applications. Available as
standard with MSF, DCF and GPS input synchronisation options,
optionally the TimeLord can be supplied to synchronise from an
NTP time source or from IRIG-B time code. This flexibility
allows the TimeLord to be used as a universal solution for
providing time synchronisation to many different devices.
1KHz amplitude modulated 3v p-p, 600Ω transformer
coupled output.
RS485 level output. (RS485 interface can either be used
for serial or IRIG data)
Output formats: IRIG-B (B123), Afnor NFS 87-500,
NENA 911, IEEE 1344, MIC20
Additional optional output - EBU Timecode Interface (EBU-OUT)
EBU interface
Fe a t u re s
EBU longitudinal timecode (LTC) output, 2000 bps with
25 complete messages every second.
High visibility 6 digit display.
Balanced 600 ohm and low impedance (TimeLord-Net)
Balanced 600 ohm only (TimeLord-Lite).
Display and timecode output messages can be
referenced to UTC or ‘Local’ time.
‘Set Once’ local time zone setup, automatically
calculating future time zone changes for local time
256 Year Calendar, 4 digit year setting. (Range 2000-
Easy to install, ‘setup and forget’ operation.
Additional optitional dual intelligent impulse outputs (-02)
Im pulse outputs - for analogue clocks (with hands)
Dual 24V alternate polarity impulse outputs rated at
200mA per channel.
Each output programmable for one second, half minute
or one minute alternate polarity impulses.
Tim ing accuracy
Fully protected output drive circuitry detects power
failure and short circuit line conditions which are
automatically corrected for on fault removal.
Integrated TCXO module standard on TimeLord versions.
Unsynchronised: 0.1sec/day @ 0-45ºC (20-25 ºC on
Locked to MSF or DCF: within 30mS of UTC
Locked to GPS: within 50uS of UTC (100uS on TimeLord-Lite)
En viro n m e n t
Power supply: Rackmount TimeLords - 110-240V AC 50/60Hz
Desktop version- 12v DC via supplied external 110v
or 230v AC PSU (specifiy required PSU at time of order)
Network Tim ing Accuracy (Tim eLord-Net)
Clients typically synchronised within 1-10 milliseconds
of TimeLord-Net timebase depending on network delay and
jitter. (NTP)
Power consum ption: < 0.4A @ 230V AC
Battery Backup:
TimeLord-Net> 1 Year.
TimeLord-Lite and -MTG > 50 hours
(The battery backup maintains the internal time count during
periods of mains failure - figures for fully-charged battery)
RS232 and RS485/422 interface
One, two (.S2 versions only) or four (.S4 versions
only) RS232 and RS485 serial outputs.
71 preset data formats for specific CCTV and
embedded equipment. Output interval programmable
for every second, every minute, 5 minutes, every hour,
every day or on request.
User selection of 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200
baud, 7 or 8 data bits and odd, even or no parity on
nonspecific message formats
Rackmount TimeLords - 1u high 19” rack mount
483mm wide x 185mm deep x 44mm high (19” x 7.3” x 1.75”)
Weight: 2.8Kg
-T Dekstop - Table top case
173mm wide x 178mm deep x 49mm high (6.8” x 7” x 2”)
Weight: 0.5Kg
Operating tem perature: 0-50ºC
Relative Hum idity: 0% to 90% (non-condensing.)
Altitude: 0 to 3,000m
30v dc. @ 500mA rated change-over contacts
0.1 second programmable contact change-over to
occur; every 5 seconds; every minute; every hour; once
per day at a user programmable time; on power
failure; whilst locked to an external time reference and
during an error state.
MTBF: > 50,000 hours
Pa cka g e Co n t e n t s
The product package should contain the following items:
w482 digital tim e/date code interface
TimeLord Master Clock.
Supports up to 50x V-400A series digital clocks and
time zone displays.
‘Set Once’ time zone setup, automatically calculating
future seasonal time changes for 15 time zones.
IEC Mains lead (Rackmount TimeLords) or AC power adapter
(-T Desktop). (Either UK, EU, US or AU style depending on
order code)
The TimeLord-Net Master Clock is supplied fitted with a 10Base-T
Ethernet interface to allow it to act as a time server on a TCP/IP
network. The TimeLord-Net interface supports the following
9-pin RS-232 serial cable.
This manual.
TimeLord software CD-ROM (available on request).
RJ45 patch lead (TimeLord-Net versions only)
For systems supplied with GPS receiver V-488C.00:
Network Time Protocol (NTP) v2, v3 and v4 clients are
supported. (RFC1305 & RFC1119)
GPS antenna / receiver module.
25 metres of 4 core cable
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) v3 and v4 clients
are supported. (RFC2030 & RFC1769)
or systems suppled with MSF or DCF radio receiver.
TIME Protocol
V-484.02 / V-484.06 MSF or V-484.03 / V-484.07 DCF
TIME protocol (RFC868) is supported in UDP mode.
radio receiver with 5 metres of cable.
1 -1
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
2 - Qu ick St a rt , FAQ a n d Tim e Lo rd Pro g ra m m in g
2 -1
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Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
2 -2
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Fre q u e n t ly Aske d Qu e st io n s
Will t h e V-488C / V-488B GPS re ce ive r syst e m w o rk
in d o o rs?
The V-484.06 MSF and V-484.07 DCF radio time code receivers are
suitable for indoor use only.
Both the V-488C and the V-488B GPS receiver systems are
designed for external mounting. We would recommend
positioning the post-mounting V-488C GPS system on the roof
of the building with a clear view of at least 75% of the sky.
Please refer to page 5-3 for further information.
Ca n I e xt e n d t h e ca b le t o m y V-484 se rie s ra d io t im e
co d e re ce ive r?
The post mounting antenna supplied with the V-488B GPS
system should be mounted in a similar position. The decoder
box supplied with the V-488B GPS system should be mounted
within 5 metres of this (either indoors or outdoors).
The cable connection to a V-484 series radio time code receiver
may be extended up to a maximum of 10m using a similar
specification cable. This connection may be extended up to a
maximum of 200 metres using a screened twisted pair cable
as specified in appendix A.
Please refer to chapter 5 for further information.
Ho w ca n I t e ll if t h e Tim e Lo rd m a st e r clo ck h a s
syn ch ro n ise d t o m y ch o se n syn ch ro n isa t io n t im e
so u rce ?
Ca n I e xt e n d t h e ca b le su p p lie d w it h t h e V-488C GPS
re ce ive r syst e m ?
The system is supplied with 25 metres of four-core screened
cable for connection between the V-488C GPS system and the
TimeLord master clock. This cable length may be increased
up to a maximum of 50 metres using a similar type of cable or
up to a maximum of 200 metres using a heavier gauge cable.
When the TimeLord master clock is synchronised, the ‘Lock’
LED will illuminate.
Wh y d o e s t h e m a st e r clo ck n o t sh o w t h e co rre ct t im e ,
e ve n t h o u g h t h e ‘lo ck’ LED is illu m in a t e d ?
Please refer to chapter 5 and appendix A for further
Check that the location is set correctly. Please refer to chapter
4 for further details.
Ca n I e xt e n d t h e ca b le s su p p lie d w it h t h e V-488B GPS
re ce ive r syst e m ?
Ho w d o I syn ch ro n ise / t im e -st a m p a CCTV d e vice fro m
t h e Tim e Lo rd m a st e r clo ck?
The V-488B GPS receiver system is supplied with a 5 metre fixed
length of cable for connection between the post-mount
antenna and the decoder box. This cable length cannot be
Appendix C lists the supported devices and any relevant
application note. The application notes detail how to connect
the TimeLord master clock to your chosen device and may be
found on the CD-ROM supplied.
The system is also supplied with 25 metres of four-core
screened cable for connection between the decoder box and
the TimeLord master clock. This cable length may be
increased up to a maximum of 50 metres using a similar type
of cable or up to a maximum of 200 metres using a heavier
gauge cable.
Ho w d o I co n n e ct a n a lo g u e im p u lse clo cks t o t h e
Tim e Lo rd m a st e r clo ck e q u ip p e d w it h t h e -02 O/P o p t io n ?
Please refer to chapter 12 for details on impulse output setup.
Please refer to chapter 5 and appendix A for further
Wh y w ill t h e Tim e Lo rd m a st e r clo ck n o t syn ch ro n ise
t o t h e MSF o r DCF ra d io t im e co d e sig n a l?
Under normal circumstances the MSF signal provides reliable
operation at distances of up to 1000km from Rugby in the
United Kingdom. The DCF signal is normally usable up to
1500km from Frankfurt in Germany.
In good conditions the TimeLord master clock, when used
with a V-484 series radio time code receiver should synchronise
to MSF or DCF within 3 minutes. During this period, the ‘code’
LED should flash once per second.
However, MSF and DCF suffer greatly from electromagnetic
interference which can cause the TimeLord master clock not
to synchronise. In this instance, the ‘code’ LED on the front
panel of the TimeLord may flash erratically. To minimise
interference problems, we would recommend mounting the
V-484 series radio time code receiver away from any computer or
electronic equipment, fluorescent lighting, lift equipment,
metal girders, reinforced concrete walls or any other sources of
electrical noise.
MSF is off-air for a maintenance period of two weeks during
the summer, and the first Tuesday of every January, April, July
and October. Please refer to page 5-3 for further information.
Will t h e V-484 se rie s ra d io t im e co d e re ce ive r w o rk
in d o o rs?
The V-484.02 MSF and 484.03 DCF radio time code receivers are
suitable for either indoor or protected outdoor mounting. For
reliable operation, we would recommend mounting these units
externally if possible though they normally work indoors also.
2 -3
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Tim e Lo rd Pro g a m m in g
S2 Serial Output Setting mode (.S2 & .S4 versions
S3 Serial Output Setting mode (.S4 versions only)
The TimeLord Master Clock has a user friendly interface
based on the use of four buttons.
The buttons are located to the right hand side of the display
and are labelled
S4 Serial Output Setting mode (.S4 versions only)
Relay Setting Mode
buttons are used to step between and save
mode settings whereas the
alter the values of settings.
buttons are used to
IRIG Setting Mode (visible on all versions - usable on
-IRIG-OUT versions only)
On pressing the
pressing the
button the function mode is entered. By
buttons the user can scroll through all
EBU Setting Mode (EBU-OUT versions only)
Impulse Channel 1 Setting mode (-02 versions only)
Impulse Channel 2 Setting mode (-02 versions only)
System Setting Mode
the available modes for set up of the TimeLord .
The modes will be displayed in the following order:
Time Setting Mode
Location Setting Mode
To select any of the modes whilst they are displayed in the
function mode press the
button. This allows the user to
Synchronisation Setting Mode
enter a specific mode and make any necessary changes to the
related settings.
Network Setting Mode (visible on all TimeLords -
usable on TimeLord-Net versions only)
To progress through the options use the
the values for these options use the
button and to alter
buttons. On
Zone Setting Mode
completion of any changes the
buttons can be
S1 Serial Output Setting Mode
used to save the settings and to either step forward or
backward through any other options before returning to the
normal time display.
Pro g ra m m in g m e n u s
Normal time display
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’.
‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
Time Setting Mode selected, with
seconds flashing. See page 2-6.
Location Setting Mode selected,
with zone flashing. See page 4-1.
Function ‘Location Setting Mode’.
‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
Function ‘Synchronisation Mode’.
‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
Synchronisation Mode selected.
See page 5-1.
‘Network Setting
Mode’ will appear
on all expandable
versions, but only
be usable on net
Function ‘Network Setting Mode’.
‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
Network Setting Mode selected, with
IP address flashing. See page 9-1.
Continued on page 2-5
2 -4
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Pro g ra m m in g m e n u s co n t .
Zone Setting Mode selected, with
location 2 flashing. See page 6-1.
Function ‘Zone Setting Mode’. ‘^ ’
to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
‘Serial 2 Setting
Mode’ will only
appear on .S2
Serial 1 Setting Mode selected,
with code flashing. See page 7-1.
Function ‘Serial 1 Setting Mode’.
‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
& .S4 versions.
‘Serial 3 Setting
Mode’ & ‘Serial 4
Setting Mode’ will
only appear on
.S4 versions.
Function ‘Serial 4 Setting Mode’.
‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
Serial 4 Setting Mode selected,
with code flashing. See page 7-1.
Relay Setting Mode selected, with
setting flashing. See page 8-1.
Function ‘Relay Setting Mode’. ‘^ ’
to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
‘IRIG Setting
Mode’ will appear
on all versions, but
only be usable on
Function ‘IRIG Setting Mode’. ‘^ ’ to
select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
IRIG Setting Mode selected, with
type flashing. See page 10-1.
‘EBU Setting
Mode’ will only
appear on
EBU Setting Mode selected, with
type flashing. See page 11-1.
Function ‘EBU Setting Mode’. ‘^ ’ to
select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
‘Impulse Channel
1 Setting Mode’ &
‘Impulse Channel
2 Setting Mode’
will only appear
on -02 impulse
Impulse channel 1 Setting Mode selected,
with status flashing. See page 12-1.
Function ‘Impulse channel 1 Setting
Mode’. ‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
Function ‘Impulse channel 2 Setting
Mode’. ‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
Impulse channel 2 Setting Mode selected,
with status flashing. See page 12-1.
Function ‘System Setup’. ‘^ ’ to
chang the system seeting.
Brightness Mode selected, with
brightness flashing. See page 2-8.
Normal time display
2 -5
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Se t t in g t h e Tim e
A detailed diagram with full instructions on manually setting
the time and date is shown below.
Normal time display
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’.
Press ‘^ ’ to select.
Time setting mode selected, with
seconds flashing.
‘+ ’ increments the seconds count, ‘-’ holds
the seconds count at the current value.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ change the minutes
Time setting mode selected, with
minutes flashing.
Time setting mode selected, with
hours flashing.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ change the hours value.
Time setting mode selected, with
year flashing.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ change the years value.
Time setting mode selected, with
month flashing.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ changes the month
Time setting mode selected, with
day flashing.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ changes the day value.
Time setting mode selected, with
leap second flashing.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ changes the leap
second value. Please refer to
page 2-7 for further information.
Normal time display
2 -6
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Le a p Se co n d In se rt io n
The TimeLord can be programmed to allow for leap second
insertion (one second is sometimes added at the end of March,
June, September or December), to compensate for the
deceleration of the Earth’s rotational time with respect to the
the Atomic clock (UTC).
This function is enabled by programming the ‘LS’ setting to yes
(as shown on page 2-6).
Da t e , Sych ro n isa t io n , Im p u lse Tim e a n d
t e m p e ra t u re St a t u s Disp la ys
When in normal time display mode the plus and minus buttons
can be used to cycle through the date, synchronisation, impulse
time (-02 versions) and temperature (expandable versions) status
displays. When any of these displays is selected the TimeLord
will return to normal time display mode after 2 minutes.
The Synchronisation status display provides useful information
regarding the current quality of the MSF or DCF signals that
are being received by a V-484 series radio receiver.
Normal time display
The two Impulse time displays indicate the Impulse time of
both Impulse channels. Please refer to chapter 12 for further
The Temperature status display shows the internal
temperature of the TimeLord Master Clock (not TimeLord-Lite).
Date display.
Syn ch ro n isa t io n St a t u s Disp la y
The synchronisation status display provides the following
information relating to MSF or DCF signal reception.
Synchronisation status display.
Indicates the number of seconds of the
current time message that have been
received. ‘Aq’ indicates that the TimeLord
is trying to acquire the first second
of a new time message.
Impulse channel 1 time display.
Impulse channel 2 time display.
Temperature status display.
Normal time display
Impulse time
screens will only
appear on -02
impulse versions.
Indicates the number of valid time
messages received. Incremented for
every good message decremented for
every corrupt message. (Range 0-F)
The number of minutes before the TimeLord
declares that it has lost lock to
the input signal. (Range 0-F)
The synchronisation lockout counter, the
number of minutes of valid, but
different time messages required
before the TimeLord will synchronise
to the new time. (Range 0 - 9)
status screen will
only appear on
expandable versions.
2 -7
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Syst e m Se t -u p
The system set-up menu contains general set-up options for
the TimeLord Master Clock. The table below details the
available options.
Normal time display
Syst e m se t -u p m e n u
Co d e
Fu n ct io n
Op t io n s
If your TimeLord
is fitted
Display Brightness
1 - 4. (1 = Dimmest)
with NTP,
EBU, S2, S4
or .IMP
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’.
Press ‘+ ’ eight times to move to
system setting mode.
w482 output type
w482, DCF, MSF, -DCF, -MSF,
L48, S48, HBG, -HBG
options, you
may need to
press the ‘+ ’
switch more
than 8 times.
network software
(disabled in this software
Function ‘System Setting Mode’.
Press ‘^ ’ to select.
factory use only
w 482 Tim e co d e o u t p u t
As shown in the table above, the w482 timecode output port
may be set to output either w482 timecode or unmodulated
MSF, DCF or HBG timecodes. The MSF, DCF & HBG outputs may
be set to pulse high or low as required (MSF, DCF & HBG pulse
high, -MSF, -DCF & -HBG pulse low). The L48 option
implements longer w482 code pulse lengths for use with older
400 series digital clocks. The S48 option implements shorter
than standard w482 code pulse lengths.
Brightness setting mode, with
brightness flashing. Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’
to alter brightness and ‘^ ’ to store.
w482 timecode output setting mode,
with w482 flashing. Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to
alter output type and ‘^ ’ to store.
TimeLord software version. Press
‘^ ’ to continue.
Network software version
(disabled in this software
revision). Press ‘^ ’ to continue.
Factory use only. Press ‘^ ’ to
Normal time display
2 -8
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
3 - In st a lla t io n
TimeLord-Lite/T Desktop version
TimeLord-Lite - no expansion capability
TimeLord-Net and TimeLord-Net-Client
Ba t t e ry b a cku p .
Wa rn in g - d a n g e ro u s vo lt a g e s - t h e Tim e Lo rd
m a st e r clo ck m u st b e d isco n n e ct e d fro m t h e m a in s
su p p ly p rio r t o re m o vin g t h e t o p co ve r.
Expandable TimeLords are fitted with a Lithium battery which will
maintain the internal time count for a period normally in excess of
1 year if the mains supply is interrupted.
Po w e r Su p p ly Co n n e ct io n
The TimeLord-Lite is fitted with an automatically recharging battery
which will, when fully charged, maintain the internal time
count for a period in excess of 50 hours if the mains supply is
The TimeLord family of master clocks are fitted with universal
power supplies suitable for 110v - 240v ac operation. The
desktop version may be supplied for 230v AC, 110vAC or 12v DC
operation. Please specify appropriate end user location at
time of order to enable correct power adapter or connector
type to be supplied.
Fu se s a n d Ou t p u t p ro t e ct io n .
The TimeLord circuit board makes use of advanced automatically
resettable fuse technology so that it is protected under fault
PSU order codes:
.AU - Australian style, 240v 50Hz ac.
.EU - European style, 230v 50Hz ac.
.UK - UK style, 230v 50Hz ac.
.US - US style, 110v 60Hz ac.
The universal power supply within the TimeLord uses a
20mm fuse rated at 2 Amps 250V. Please note that this fuse is
not a user serviceable part.
Ext e rn a l Co n n e ct io n s
The TimeLord rackmount master clock is supplied with an IEC
style mains lead.
The external connections located on the rear of the TimeLord
provide the following inputs and outputs:
The TimeLord-Lite/T is supplied with an external 12v DC PSU.
If an alternative PSU is to be used, it should have a rating of
greater than 0.4A at 12v DC.
The master clock must be connected to the appropriate supply
after first verifying the correct voltage by reference to the
supply voltage label fixed to the rear of the clock (rackmount
versions) or on the external power supply (desktop).
GPS / Synchronisation Connection
Relay Connection
IRIG* and EBU* Connection
10 & 11
A connection to the earth line m ust be m ade to ensure safe
operation and ensure com pliance with EMC regulations.
RS232 and RS422/485 S1, S2*, S3* & S4*
To ensure conform ance with EN60950:
w482 Connection
For installations where the Tim eLord m aster clock
is to be perm anently connected into the m ains
power circuit, a readily accessible disconnect device
should be incorporated in the fixed wiring.
10BaseT Ethernet* Connection
Impulse Connection*
For installations where the Tim eLord m aster clock
is to be plugged into the m ains power circuit, a
socketed outlet should be installed near the
equipm ent and should be easily accessible.
* denotes optional items which may or may not be fitted in your
Please see the relevant sections of this manual for further
All installation work should be perform ed in accordance
with the Sixteenth Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations.
Op e ra t io n
Please see section 2 for a quick start guide to getting your
TimeLord system up and running.
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
4 - Lo ca t io n Se t u p
The TimeLord Master Clock provides advanced time zone
functionality. Regardless of time synchronisation source, the
TimeLord can be used to provide time and date information
referenced to UTC, user ‘local’ time or other custom time zone.
Incorporating ‘Set Once’ technology, the TimeLord will
automatically calculate future seasonal time changes for all 64
of the preset time location code settings.
Normal time display
Se t t in g t h e lo ca t io n
For installations where the output of the TimeLord is to be
referenced to UTC / GMT, the location code should be set to 00.
For installations where the output of the TimeLord is to be
referenced to the ‘local’ time zone, select the appropriate
location code from the table opposite. (eg. For a unit installed
in Birmingham, England, where ‘local’ time output is required,
location code 01 should be used.)
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’
to move to ‘Location Setting Mode’.
Use r Pro g ra m m a b le Tim e Zo n e
For time-offsets and daylight saving time change dates not
covered by the location codes on page 4-2, a user
programmable time zone is provided. Information regarding
the time offset from UTC and any daylight saving change rules
may be input via a 12 digit code.
Function ‘Location Setting Mode’. Press
‘^ ’ to select.
Please contact our technical department for further information
regarding this function.
‘Location Setting Mode’ selected, with
current location flashing. Use ‘+ ’ and
‘-’ to select the required location from
the table on page 4-2.
Press ‘^ ’ to store the new location
setting and return to normal time
Normal time display.
4 -1
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Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
GPS Syn ch ro n isa t io n
5 - Syn ch ro n isa t io n Se t u p
The V-488C and V-488B GPS receiver systems are designed to be
automatically synchronised to time signals transmitted from
the Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation network. The
GPS constellation consists of 28 operational satellites,
operating in 12 hour orbits at an altitude of 20,200km.
no nc
GPS co n n e ct io n
GPS Receiver
10 way terminal block
-ve Power for V-488B/C GPS
+ ve Power for V-488B/C GPS
Signal A from V-488B/C GPS
Signal B from V-488B/C GPS
EMC grounding point
Both the V-488C and the V-488B GPS receiver have been designed
for simple installation and operation by the end-user, requiring
only a 4 wire interconnection to the TimeLord Master Clock.
When synchronised to a V-488C or 488B GPS receiver system the
TimeLord-Net Master Clock output signals are maintained within
50uS of UTC (100uS of UTC on TimeLord-Lite versions).
A Screened cable should be used to
connect the V-488C / V-488B GPS receiver
to the TimeLord . The screen should
be connected to the EMC grounding
point on the TimeLord and on the
V-488B GPS receiver.
The reception gain pattern of both GPS systems is designed
for full, upper hemispherical coverage with the gain
diminishing at low elevations. This cross-section is consistent
through 360 degrees and so the 3 dimensional gain pattern is
a symmetrical spheroid surface.
Advantages of GPS time synchronisation:
no nc
MSF a n d DCF co n n e ct io n
GPS Receiver
Very accurate synchronisation
Can be used anywhere in the world
Not subject to EM interference
10 way terminal block
Green or uncovered wire from
V-484 radio receiver.
Wire link
Link to ‘A’ connector.
Link to ‘+ ’ connector.
Disadvantages of GPS time synchronisation:
Green or
Red or
Antenna needs to be mounted externally with a clear
view of 75% of the sky.
Red or clear wire from V-484
radio receiver.
EMC grounding point
Th e V-488C GPS Syn ch ro n isa t io n Syst e m
The V-488C GPS synchronisation system is housed in a single
IP66 rated case containing an advanced combined Sony active
antenna and 12 channel parallel GPS receiver module and a
microprocessor based communications interface. The system
is supplied complete with a post mounting clamp to enable
the unit to be fixed to a suitable horizontal or vertical post of
up to 2cm diameter. The antenna should be mounted on the
roof of a building or under a suitable skylight.
A Screened cable should be used to
connect the V-484 radio receiver to the
TimeLord in areas of high electrical
noise. The screen should be
connected to the EMC grounding
point on TimeLord only.
Syn ch ro n isa t io n Se t u p
Th e V-488B GPS Syn ch ro n isa t io n Syst e m
Co d e
Syn ch ro n isa t io n
so u rce
No t e s
The V-488B GPS receiver system comprises a post mounting
active antenna and a separate receiver/decoder unit. The
antenna module transmits the received GPS signals and
receives power (5Vdc @ 25mA) from the GPS receiver/decoder
module via a single 5 metre long RG58 coaxial cable. A post
mounting clamp is supplied to enable the antenna to be fixed to
a suitable horizontal or vertical post of up to 2cm diameter. The
antenna may be mounted on the roof of a building or under a
suitable skylight.
Standalone operation using No external reference,
internal TCXO
accuracy better than 0.1
sec/day. 0-45ºC (20-25ºC
on TimeLord-Lite .
V- 488C/488B GPS Receiver Very accurate time source.
System - Synchronisation
from GPS satellites.
Can be used anywhere in
the world.
The GPS receiver/decoder unit contains a Motorola 8 Channel
parallel receiver and a microprocessor based communications
interface. The receiver/decoder module is housed in a robust
aluminium case fitted with mounting points for wall mounting
and protected to IP65. The module should be mounted in a
protected location within 5 metres of the antenna.
V-484 DCF Recever -
Synchronisation from the
DCF time signal.
V-484 MSF Receiver -
Synchronisation from the
MSF time signal.
V-488C a n d V-488B Syst e m In st a lla t io n
1 Pulse Per Second -
Timebase generated from 1
PPS at RS232 / RS485 serial
**Special Order Option
**Special Order Option
Please refer to appendix D
To ensure ease of operation and to remove the possibility of
operator error, both the V-488C and V-488B GPS systems are
designed to self initialise.
En su re t h a t t h e Tim e Lo rd is d isco n n e ct e d fro m t h e
m a in s p o w e r su p p ly w h e n m a kin g co n n e ct io n s t o t h e
V-488C / V-488B GPS re ce ive r syst e m s.
Serial ASCII Data String -
Synchronisation from an
RS232 / RS485 serial ASCII
time & date telegram.
Install the V-488C unit or V-488B antenna module
horizontally using the post mounting kit provided.
Ensure that the unit has a clear view of at least 75% of
the sky. If the sky view is reduced the interval between
‘switch-on’ and system time synchronisation will be
considerably increased.
Network Time Protocol -
Synchronisation from an
NTP Time Source
**Special Order Option
**Special Order Option
Connect the antenna module to the GPS receiver using
the special 5m cable provided (V-488B systems only).
Synchronisation from an
IRIG-B Timecode source.
5 -1
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Both the V-488C and the V-488B GPS Receiver systems are
supplied with 25 metres of 4 core cable. Cable distance can
be extended up to a maximum distance of 200 metres using
the cable specifications detailed in appendix A.
V-488C GPS Receiver
Should be mounted with a
view of at least 75% of the
V-488B Antenna
20mm dia. post
(not supplied)
Should be mounted with a
view of at least 75% of the
5 metre cable
(cannot be extended)
V-488B Receiver decoder unit.
Housed in IP65 case, suitable for mounting
in a sheltered external location.
20mm dia. post
(not supplied)
A connection between the V-488C / V-488B and the
V-488C GPS Integral Receiver/Interface
TimeLord should be made using the 25 metre four core
cable supplied. If a longer cable distance is required
Appendix A should be consulted for suitable cable
specifications. The maximum distance between the
GPS system and the TimeLord master clock is 200m.
If a screened cable is used, the cable screen should be
connected to the EMC ground connection on the 10 way
terminal block, located on the rear of the TimeLord.
On 488B systems, the screen should be connected to
the screw fitting on the 488B receiver/decoder case.
The screen is supplied pre-connected on V-488C units
with captive cable connections.
25metre captive
cable for connection
to TimeLord
Master Clock.
V-488B GPS Separate Receiver/Interface
The 4 GPS input connections located on the 10 way
terminal block on the rear of the TimeLord, should be
wired as shown in the diagram on page 5.1.
Connect the power supply to the TimeLord Master
A +
Once the power has been applied the receiver will
automatically begin to search the sky for all available
satellites, during this process the green LED will flash.
After three satellites have been acquired the green LED
will stop flashing and become constantly illuminated,
indicating that a precise date and time has been
calculated from the satellite data transmissions. From a
‘cold’ start this process will typically take less than 10
Internal antenna socket
two part power/data
plug-in terminal block
Co n n e ct io n s fro m Tim e Lo rd t o V-488C / V-488B
V- 488C/488B
GPS Co n n e ct io n Co n n e ct io n
Tim e Lo rd
Co n n e ct io n Co lo u r
(u sin g su p p lie d
25m ca b le )
Ensure that the TimeLord is configured to synchronise
from the GPS signal by following the procedure on
page 5-3.
Once the green LED has illuminated the synchronising time
signals are transmitted from the GPS system to the TimeLord.
The TimeLord Master Clock should lock in and display
the correct time within 5 minutes.
Issu e 2.0
5 -2
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
MSF a n d DCF syn ch ro n isa t io n
MSF and DCF are the two most widely used radio time code
signals. The DCF signal is derived from the atomic clocks at the
Physics Institute of Brunswick and transmitted at a frequency
of 77.5KHz from Manflingen, near Frankfurt in Germany. The
MSF signal is referenced to the Caesium Beam Oscillators at
the National Physical Laboratory and transmitted on a
frequency of 60KHz from Rugby in the United Kingdom.
Normal time display
Under normal circumstances the DCF signal provides reliable
operation at distances of up to 1500km, MSF signals are
normally usable up to 1000km from the transmitter. Greater
operating ranges are possible at night.
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’
twice to move to synchronisation mode.
When synchronised to MSF or DCF using a V-484 radio receiver
the TimeLord Master Clock output signals are maintained
within 30mS of UTC.
Advantages of MSF and DCF time synchronisation:
Lower purchase cost than GPS
Can sometimes be installed internally.
Disadvantages of MSF and DCF time synchronisation:
Function ‘Synchronisation Mode’. Press
‘^ ’ to select.
Can be difficult to find good location for signal
Suffers greatly from EM interference - Avoid locating
near computers, electronic equipment, fluorescent
lighting, lift equipment, metal girders, reinforced
concrete walls and all other sources of electrical noise.
Synchronisation mode selected with
current mode flashing. Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’
to select required setting.
MSF is off-air for a maintenance period of two weeks
during the summer, and the first Tuesday of every
January, April, July and October. MSF status can be
checked by telephoning 020 8943 6493.
In st a lla t io n
The V-484 series time code receiver should be mounted:
At least 2.5 metres from the TimeLord Master Clock.
Press ‘^ ’ to save synchronisation mode
and return to normal time display.
At greatest practical distance from:
Other electronic equipment including computers,
fluorescent lights and signs, metal girders, reinforced
concrete walls and any other sources of electrical noise.
On the side of the building nearest Rugby (MSF) or
Frankfurt (DCF).
Preferably on the outside of the building (V-484.02 and
V-484.03 only) as high as possible. The case is
Normal time display.
weatherproof to IP65 (484.02 and 484.03 only) but it is
preferable to provide some protection from direct rain.
The front cover of the V-484.02 and V-484.03 receivers may be
removed to enable the indicator LED to be viewed. The indicator
LED on the V-484.06 and V-484.07 receiver is located on the front
face of the unit.
With the cable entry on the lower face of the case.
(V-484.02 and V-484.03 only)
The antenna is supplied with 5 metres of two core cable, if a
longer cable distance is required Appendix A should be consulted
for suitable cable specifications. The maximum distance
between the V-484 radio receiver and the TimeLord Master
Clock is 200m.
The alignment of the receiver is correct when the LED flashes
once per second. The Code LED located on the front of the
TimeLord will flash at the same time as the LED in the V-484.
Sig n a l re ce p t io n
If a screened cable is used, the cable screen should be connected
to the EMC grounding terminal on the 10 way terminal block,
located on the rear of the TimeLord.
In good conditions the TimeLord master clock will take three
minutes to synchronise with the transmitted time code from
either DCF or MSF. When the TimeLord is ‘locked’ to the
transmitted signal, the locked LED, located after the seconds
display, is illuminated continuously. During periods of signal
failure or signal corruption the clock will maintain timekeeping
using its internal crystal oscillator.
Alig n m e n t
The V-484.02 (MSF) and V-484.03 (DCF) radio receivers have dual
ferrite antennas, which normally permit location regardless of
orientation to the transmitter. The receiver is mounted by means
of four fixing holes in the rear surface which are accessed after
removing the front cover. The four mounting holes are located
outside of the central sealed compartment.
1 PPS / Se ria l ASCII Syn ch ro n isa t io n
Special order versions of the TimeLord Master Clock are available
to facilitate synchronisation with an RS232 / RS485 level serial
ASCII data string or timebase generation from an RS232 /
RS485 level 1 Pulse Per Second source. The Serial variant will
synchronise to Serial format 1 (as shown on page 7.1)
transmitted at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit at a
1 second repetition rate.
The V-484.06 (MSF) and V-484.07 (DCF) receivers have a single
antenna element and are supplied with an adjustable
mounting bracket so that the installer can ensure that the
orientation of the longest face of the receiver is at 90o to the
direction of the transmitter.
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
6 - w 482 Tim e Zo n e Se t u p
Tim e Lo rd w 482 Co d e Ou t p u t
10 way terminal block
Normal time display
w482 Code +
w482 Code
EMC grounding point
Polarity of connection is not critical.
If a screened cable is used for system
interconnection, the screen should
only be connected to the EMC
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’
four times to move to w482 zone
setting mode.
grounding point on the TimeLord.
The w482® signal was developed for controlling electronic
clocks, using a single cable pair data interconnection, in
electrically noisy environments. A principal advantage of
w482® is the ability to provide time information in any one of
fifteen different synchronised time zones. All fifteen time
zones can be individually configured from the front panel of
the TimeLord, using ‘Set Once’ technology to allow automatic
seasonal time change correction.
Function ‘w482 Zone Setting Mode’.
Press ‘^ ’ to select.
The w482® signal is transmitted at 4-24v amplitude and at a
50 bits per second data rate. The signal is virtually immune to
electro-magnetic interference.
One TimeLord unit can control up to fifty 400A series slave
displays located up to 1km from the master clock unit using a
simple, non-critical cable pair.
w482 Zone Setting Mode, zone 2
selected with current location flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change.
Se t u p Pro ce d u re
Decide what time you want to display on your slave
clocks. If you just want to display Local Time, as
previously programmed during ‘location’ setting (section
4), proceed to stage 2.
Press ‘^ ’ to store the new zone 2
setting and move on to the w482 time
zone 3 setting.
If you have more than one time zone to display or want
to display a different time zone from that set in the
location setting, determine the zone location codes
(Page 4-2) and program w482 zones ‘2’ - ‘A’ accordingly.
En su re t h a t t h e Tim e Lo rd syst e m is d isco n n e ct e d
fro m t h e m a in s p o w e r su p p ly w h e n m a kin g
co n n e ct io n s t o t h e w 482 o u t p u t .
Zone 3 selected, press ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to
change current setting, ‘^ ’ to move to
next zone.
Connect the V-400A slave clocks to the TimeLord w482
output terminals. (See above and page 6-2).
Check that the V-400A (or V-470A) slave clock is programmed
for w482 time code synchronisation. If the V-400A (or
V-470A) slave clock is to be synchronised by a w482 time
zone which is not zone 1, program the V-400A (or V-470A)
clock accordingly.
w482 zone settings 4 - F
Refer to the V-400A (or V-470A) series operating and
installation manual for more details.
Apply power to the TimeLord.
Note: If you using the IRIG output (IRIG-OUT versions
only) or EBU output (EBU-OUT versions only) and are
using it in an application that requires the location setting to
be set to a time zone other than the local time zone, w482 zone
2 should be programmed for the local time zone and the slave
displays should be configured accordingly.
Zone F selected, press ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to
change current setting, ‘^ ’ to return to
normal time display.
Normal time display.
Issu e 2.0
6 -1
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
6 -2
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Da t a Fo rm a t s
7 - RS232 & RS422/485 Se ria l Ou t p u t
The serial messages numbered from 01 to 09 are user
programmable. This allows the user to program information
concerning the baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits and serial
repetition to ensure that the format chosen meets their
Tim e Lo rd RS232 & RS485/422
In t e rfa ce
DB9-F Connector
Some of the other serial data messages have factory preset
transmission formats to ensure that system interconnection is
trouble free.
RS232/RS485 S1
Transmitted Data (TXD)
Received Data (RXD)
Signal Ground (GND)
Me ssa g e Fo rm a t
Serial Format 1 (Code 1)
STX Su St Mu Mt Hu Ht Du Dt Mtu Mtt Yu Yt St ETX
Serial Format 2 (Code 4)
‘A’ - non-inverting
‘B’ - inverting
T Yt Yu : Mtt Mtu : Dt Du : 0 W : Ht Hu : Mt Mu : St Su CR LF
The 1PPS signal is at RS232 levels and
goes high for 100ms on the second
ASCII value
Op e ra t io n
The TimeLord Master Clock is fitted as standard with one
RS232 & RS485/RS422 serial data output. The signals are
accessed via the female DB9 connector labelled RS232/RS485
S1 mounted on the rear of the unit.
start transmission
end transmission
carriage return
line feed
ASCII zero
ASCII colon
status - see table
Ad d it io n a l se ria l o u t p u t s (.S2 & .S4 ve rsio n s o n ly)
The TimeLord is optionally available with two or four RS232/RS485
serial data outputs. Where installed, these signals are
accessed via the S2, S3 and S4 female DB9 connectors. If your
TimeLord is fitted with multiple serial ports, extra serial setting
modes (S2, S3 & S4) will appear in the main programming
menu to allow these ports to be individually configured using
the procedure detailed below. (Please note: The RS232 level 1
pulse per second output is not present on pin1 of serial ports
S3 & S4).
Status byte - ASCII value 30h-3fh
Bit 0
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3
0 = Winter time, 1 = Summer Time
0 = not synchronised, 1 = synchronised
0 = no early warning bit, 1 = early warning bit
Se t t in g t h e Me ssa g e Fo rm a t
The TimeLord has 71 different preprogrammed serial output
messages. The desired message can be selected from the
lists on page 7-2 and programmed into the TimeLord using
the procedure on page 7-5. Please also refer to Appendix C for
details of products compatible with the TimeLord.
Ap p lica t io n No t e s
The TimeLord Information CD contains application notes
detailing the use of the TimeLord with many different types
of equipment. If you are unable to access the CD or require
further information on the setup and use of the serial output
please contact our technical support representatives.
Se t t in g t h e Ou t p u t Me ssa g e Tim e Offse t
The Serial Messages table on page 7.2 contains references to
application notes which contain additional information specific
to that serial message.
The TimeLord serial output message may be referenced to
the current location setting (see section 4) or UTC/GMT as
detailed in the procedure on page 7-5 .
Use r p ro g ra m m a b le se ria l se t t in g s
Disp la y
Se t t in g
Ra n g e
No t e s
Baud Rate
19 - 19200 baud, 96 - 9600 baud, 48 - 4800
baud, 24 - 2400 baud, 12 - 1200 baud.
Data transmission rate.
Data bits
7 - 7 data bits, 8 - 8 data bits.
Number of data bits in each ASCII character.
odd - Odd parity, EvE - Even parity, no - No parity.
Even and Odd Parity allow error checking of
incoming signal.
Stop bits
1 - 1 stop bit, 2 - 2 stop bits.
Number of stop bits per character.
Serial Repetition
1SE - 1 serial message every sec,
1nn - 1 serial message every min,
5nn - 1 serial message every 5 min,
1 Hr - 1 serial message every hour,
24 Hr - 1 serial message every 24 hrs at Midnight,
4An - 1 serial message every 24 hrs at 4 AM,
rSE - On demand, next second edge.
P15 - 1 serial message at 15 mins past every hour.
The 'on demand' repetition setting allows the user
to send one of the following ASCII characters to
the clock and have it respond with the currently
selected message. Valid 'on demand' characters:
's' (0x73), 'S' (0x53), 't' (0x74),
'T' (0x54) and '?' (0x3f)
Issu e 2.0
7 -1
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Se ria l Me ssa g e s
Co d e
Me ssa g e Fo rm a t
Re p e t it io n
Tra n sm issio n
Fo rm a t
No t e s
Std-serial Format 1
Std-serial Format without status
Std-serial Format 2
Std-serial Format 2 with day of week
Racal ICR64
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
On Demand
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
Preset - 9600,8,e,2
Preset -1200,8,n,1
Preset - 9600,7,o,1
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
AN128 - NTP synchronisation
EES Format 5
Scientific Atlanta / CSI
Mitsubishi BRS5600 VCR
5 Min
5 Min
Grundig / Plettac Vaz
Vision Factory Montage / Montage+
5 Min
5 Min
AN115 & AN116
Montage+ has to be connected by
RS232 if remote keyboard is used.
Tecton Drax
5 Min
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
Preset - 9600,8,o,1
Preset - 4800,8,n,1
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
Preset - 1200,7,e,1
User Programmable
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
Vicon VPS
5 Min
EBCDIC Racal ICR64 format
Philips Projects Special Format
1 Hr
5 Min
1 Sec
Dedicated Micros
User Programmable
5 Min
Tecton Kramplex / Molynx Visilynx 2
Visilynx 2 requires PCBV309 card
fitted with software SW191
Vision Factory Cameo
5 Min
Preset - 19200,8,n,1
Can also be used with Montage+
ASC Telecom DL2 and Marathon
1 Sec
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
User Programmable
Preset - 1200,8,e,2
Preset - 9600,7,e,1
Preset - 1200,8,n,1
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
AN129 / AN136
User Programmable
1 Sec
LUL Standard Format
Wharton wSync & sync32 software
Philips LTC3990/50 VCR
LUL Northern Line Fomat 1
LUL Northern Line Fomat 2
1 Sec
5 Min
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
Audiosoft format without sync
alarm notifier
Philips LTC2600 MultiplexerUK
5 Min
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
UK Format Date (LTC2600)
Continued on page 7-3
7 -2
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Se ria l Me ssa g e s (co n t .)
Co d e
Me ssa g e Fo rm a t
Re p e t it io n
Tra n sm issio n
Fo rm a t
No t e s (Please refer to specified
application note on CD-ROM)
Philips LTC2600 Multiplexer US
5 Min
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
US Format Date (LTC2600)
Burle TC8286 & TC8288 Multiplexers.
Allegiant LTC8300 Series, LTC8511C,
LTC8610/00, TC8719A, LTC 8810/00,
LTC8910/00 with CPU rev 7.2
Philips LTC2600 Multiplexer ISO
5 Min
1 Sec
5 Min
1 Sec
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
Preset - 9600,7,e,1
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
ISO Format Date (LTC2600)
Moser-Baer IF482
Sony HSR-1/1P/2/2P
GPZDA NMEA Message (Tardis)
Ensure that the latest version of
Tardis is used
Geutebrück MultiScope
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
Geutebrück TDT-10 / VicroSoft / AMC
GPRMC NMEA Message (Syac DigiEye)
Racal Wordsafe
GT message
Standard Setting is 9600,8,n,1
Racal Wordnet Series 2
Tecton Darlex
User Programmable
User Programmable
TG message
Standard Setting is 9600,8,n,1
15 Mins past every Hr Preset - 9600,8,n,1
Macq Electronique SA
Racal CD20
User Programmable
User Programmable
5 Min
User Programmable
User Programmable
Preset - 1200, 8, n, 1
Mitsubishi BRS, Multiple VCRs
Vision Factory Cameo D1
Norbain Vista Columbus
Philips Divar
Once per day @ 4 AM User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
Preset - 9600, 8, n, 1
Preset - 9600, 8, n, 1
Preset - 9600, 8, n, 1
Preset - 9600, 8, n, 1
Preset - 9600, 8, n, 1
5 Min
5 Min
5 Min
5 Min
5 Min
Baxall DTL 960
BAXNET / Vista - No advance
BAXNET / Vista - 1 Sec advance
BAXNET / Vista - 2 Sec advance
Special Order Only - AN139
Special Order Only - AN139
Special Order Only - AN139
Vicon AurorAcorD / AurorA2000
Dedicated Micros UNIPLEX Series I / II
Panasonic WJSX850
Panasonic WJHD500
Tower Access Control
Philips DVR1
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
5 Min
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
Preset - 9600, 8, n, 1
User Programmable
User Programmable
Will not work with UNIPLEX
software version 22
Vortex Timelord
User Programmable
User Programmable
Audiosoft v2
Audiosoft format with sync alarm
Continued on page 7-4
Issu e 2.0
7 -3
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Se ria l Me ssa g e s (co n t .)
Co d e
Me ssa g e Fo rm a t
Re p e t it io n
Tra n sm issio n
Fo rm a t
No t e s (Please refer to specified
application note on CD-ROM)
AIT Comfile
1 Sec
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
Preset - 9600,8,n,1
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
Team Simoco DX3000
NATS Link Protocol
NATS Link Protocol 2
Pelco CM6800
1 Min
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
NATS Link Protocol with Line Feed.
Remguard NetVu / DVIP
MUST NOT be set to 1 second
repetition. Output should be
referenced to UTC.
Norbain Vista VVRL27
Panasonic WJ-HD316
NetClock/2 - format 1
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
User Programmable
Issu e 2.0
7 -4
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Se ria l Se t t in g Mo d e
Normal time display
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’.
‘^ ’ to select, ‘+ ’ or ‘-’ to change.
Function ‘Serial Mode’. Press ‘^ ’
to select.
Serial Mode with serial type
flashing. Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to select.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ change the selected
serial output message.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ change the baud rate. ‘PRESET’
indicates the setting cannot be changed.
Baud rate selected, with current
setting flashing.
Data bits selected, with current
setting flashing.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ changes the data bits. ‘PRESET’
indicates the setting cannot be changed.
Parity selected, with current
setting flashing.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ changes the parity. ‘PRESET’
indicates the setting cannot be changed.
Stop bits selected, with current
setting flashing.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ changes the stop bits. ‘PRESET’
indicates the setting cannot be changed.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ changes the repeat rate. ‘PRESET’
indicates the setting cannot be changed.
Serial repeat selected, with
current setting flashing.
Message time offset with messgage
referenced to current location setting.
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ changes the message to output
time referenced to UTC.
Normal time display
Issu e 2.0
7 -5
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
8 - Re la y Se t u p
Tim e Lo rd Re la y Co n n e ct io n s
10 way terminal block
N.O. Contact
N.C. Contact
Normal time display.
The relay is configured so that
contacts no-C are normally open and
contacts nc-C are normally closed.
If your TimeLord
is fitted
with NTP,
EBU, S2, S4
or .IMP
options, you
may need to
press the ‘+ ’
switch more
than 6 times.
For example, if the relay is set to
close every hour for 100ms, contacts
no-C will close for 100ms on the hour,
while contacts nc-C will open for
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’
six times to move to relay setting mode.
Op e ra t io n
The relay can be programmed to operate every 5 seconds,
every minute, every hour, once per day at a user programmable
time or to signal a fault condition.
Function ‘Relay Setting Mode’.
Press ‘^ ’ to select.
The relay contacts are rated for 500mA @ 30v DC operation.
The minimum contact load is 1mA @ 5v DC. The contact
closure duration is 100mS.
Se t t in g t h e Pro g ra m m a b le Re la y Tim e
Current mode flashing. Press ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to
change relay mode. Press ‘^ ’to exit, see
below if selected mode is ‘PRO’.
When the TimeLord is used to provide one contact closure
per day it is recommended that the time chosen is at 03:00.
This allows the synchronised equipment to be adjusted for the
seasonal time change on the day that it occurs. Most
conventional systems use a contact closure at 00:00 which will
not update the synchronised equipment for the seasonal time
change until the next day.
Selected relay mode is ‘Program’.
Press ‘^ ’ to set activation time.
Re la y Mo d e s Ta b le
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘- to program relay
operation minutes time. Press ‘^ ’
to set operation time hours.
Co d e
Mo d e
Contacts no-C closed while power is present.
Contacts nc-C closed when power is removed.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘- to program relay
operation hours time. Press ‘^ ’
to exit.
Contacts no-C closed while unit is operating
correctly. Contacts nc-C closed when the unit is in
an error state or the time has not been set since
unit was first powered.
Contacts nc-C closed while the 4850 / 4860 is
synchronised to an external source. Contacts no-C
closed while unit is unsynchronised.
Normal time display
5 SE
1 M
5 Seconds
100ms contact closure (contacts no-C) every five
1 Minute
100ms contact closure (contacts no-C) every
1 Hr
1 Hour
100ms contact closure (contacts no-C) every hour.
100ms contact closure (contacts no-C) once per
day, at time programmable in hours and minutes.
8 -1
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Qu ick Se t u p
9 - Ne t w o rk Co n fig u ra t io n (Tim e Lo rd -Ne t
ve rsio n s o n ly)
Install the TimeLord-Net as detailed in section 3 of this manual.
At t e n t io n : If yo u a re u n su re o f t h e fo llo w in g n e t w o rk
se t t in g s p le a se co n t a ct yo u r n e t w o rk a d m in ist ra t o r.
In co rre ct se t t in g s ca n a d ve rse ly a ffe ct t h e
p e rfo rm a n ce o f yo u r n e t w o rk.
Net Update
MAC Address
xx xx xx xx xx xx
Program the IP address of the TimeLord-Net in dotted-
decimal notation. (e.g. Use the plus and
minus buttons to increment and decrement each value.
The up arrow will move on to the next value, the down
arrow will return to the previous value.
Tim e Lo rd -Ne t Ne t w o rk In t e rfa ce
10Base-T Ethernet Connector
Network software update port
Program the Subnet Mask of the TimeLord-Net in dotted-
decimal notation. (e.g. Use the plus
and minus buttons to increment and decrement each
value. The up arrow will move on to the next value, the
down arrow will return to the previous value.
Link LED indicating connection to network
Data Data LED indicating data on the network
Op e ra t io n
Program the default Gateway of TimeLord-Net in dotted-
decimal notation. (e.g. Use the plus and
minus buttons to increment and decrement each value.
The up arrow will move on to the next value, the down
arrow will return to the previous value.
The TimeLord-Net operates as a Network Time Server on a TCP/IP
Computer network. The quick setup procedure should be
followed to get the TimeLord-Net up and running quickly. Page 9-3
details the various protocols that the TimeLord-Net supports while
pages 9-1 and 9-2 detail the basics behind IP addresses,
subnets and gateways.
Use the CAT5 patch cable (supplied) to connect the
TimeLord-Net to your TCP/IP Computer network. Ensure
that the network connection used is compatible with
10Base-T. Check the green link led illuminates,
confirming that correct connection has been made to
the network.
Pages 9-4 and 9-5 show the setting procedure in more detail.
The TimeLord-Net master clock has a 10Base-T Ethernet interface
and must be connected either to a dedicated 10Base-T port or
a switchable 10Base-T / 100Base-T port on your network.
TCP/IP Co n ce p t s
IP Ad d re ss
TCP/IP is todays most prevalent networking technology. It can
be used for small Local Area Networks (LAN) of two or three
users, right through to the other end of the spectrum where it
is used as the protocol connecting every machine on the
Ne t w o rk Se t t in g s Ta b le
Each connected computer must have a unique address to
ensure that data transmitted from one location reaches the
correct destination.
Disp la y
Co d e
Se t t in g
Blocks of addresses are assigned to organizations by the
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Users and small
organisations usually obtain their addresses from their Internet
Service Provider while larger organisations liaise directly with
the IANA.
IP Address
This is the Internet Protocol address that the
4860net uses on the computer network.
Subnet Mask
The subnet mask when combined with the IP
address identifes the subnet (part of the bigger
network) that the TimeLord-Nete is connected to.
The Internet Protocol (IP) uses 32 bit addresses, which when
displayed to humans are usually written in dotted-decimal
notation. Dotted-decimal notation is where the address is
written as four decimal numbers, one for each byte of the
Gateway Address
The gateway address is used by the TimeLord Net when
it needs to send information to computers and
devices which are connected to other networks
and subnets.
For example the dotted-decimal IP address can
be represented in the following formats:
Decimal representation:
Hexadecimal representation: 0xC37005C1
Binary representation: 11000011 01110000
00000101 11000001
Synchronisation Alarm Status
This setting configures whether or not the NTP
packets will indicate an alarm state if the TimeLord-Net
is unsynchronised.
The IP address of a computer is constructed of two parts. The
first part of the address identifies the network to which the
computer or host is connected, the second part specifies the
actual host itself. The TCP/IP software on each host can
automatically determine the class of an IP address by
examining the first byte of that address.
NTP Broadcast
This setting configures whether or not the TimeLord-Net
will periodicaly broadcasts NTP time packets to the
local subnet. If enabled, NTP packets are
broadcast every 64 seconds.
**Special Order Option
Issu e 2.0
9 -1
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
For the class B subnet example used above the subnet mask
would be as follows:
7 bits
24 bits
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Class E
8 bits
24 bits
14 bits
16 bits
Class B
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
0000 0000
The following table details a few typical subnet masks and the
network classes / subnets they describe.
21 bits
8 bits
Ne t w o rk &
Su b n e t b it
le n g t h
Su b n e t Ma sk
Typ ica l Usa g e
28 bits
Multicast group
Class A address with
no subnets
27 bits
Class B address with
no subnets or Class A
with 254 subnets, etc
There are five different classes of address:
Class A - 1.x.x.x - 126.x.x.x
Class C address with
no subnets or Class B
with 254 subnets.
These addresses have a 8 bit network number and a 24 bit
host number addresses. Each class A network can have
16,777,214 hosts.
Priva t e IP a d d re sse s
Class B - 128.1.x.x - 191.254.x.x
With the massive growth of the Internet there was a real
danger that the IANA would run out of IP addresses. To avoid
this situation three blocks of IP addresses have been reserved
for use in private networks. It is recommended that on an
organisation’s TCP/IP networks use these private network
numbers for their networks and make use of a technology like
NAT (Network Address Translation) to allow their users access
to the Internet.
These addresses have a 16 bit network number and a 16 bit
host addresses. This means that each class B network can have
65,354 hosts.
Class C - 192.0.1.x - 223.255.254.x
These addresses have a 24 bit network number and an 8 bit
host addresses. This means that each class C network can
have 254 hosts. -
Class D - - - -
Class D network addresses are used for multicasting, which is
where information sent from one address can be sent to many
different hosts simultaneously.
Class E - -
When one device (A) wants to send data to another device (B)
on the same Ethernet LAN it must convert the IP address of the
destination device to the Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC)
address of that device. Each Ethernet device has a globally
unique 48 bit MAC address which is assigned at time of
Class E network addresses are used for experimental
For each unique network number, the base address of the
range (i.e. host number zero) is known as the network address
and is not assigned to a host. The top address of the range is
(i.e. host number set to all ones) the broadcast address which
is used as the address for sending to all hosts on the same
network number simultaneously.
If device A does not have B’s MAC address an Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) request is broadcast onto the local
Network. The ARP request contains the IP address of device B,
so device B is the only device to respond. Device B sends its
MAC address to device A and it is stored in device A’s ARP
Su b n e t Ad d re ssin g
Subnet addressing allows us to split one IP network address
into several smaller physical networks known as subnets. This
is especially useful with Class A and Class B addresses where
there are very large numbers of network hosts with the same
network address.
Device A can now send data directly to device B.
Ga t e w a y Ad d re ss
The gateway address is used when a device on a network
sends data to another device that is connected to a different
network segment. The gateway device is typically a router
connecting two different networks together.
A subnet is created by splitting the host address part of the IP
address into two, the first being subnet address and the
second host ID.
When one device sends data to another device the TCP/IP
software checks to see if the destination network address is
the same as its own network address. If the network address
is the same the data is transmitted normally, using ARP to
resolve the destination MAC address if required.
8 bits
14 bits
8 bits
Class B
If the network address is different the data is forwarded to the
IP address specified in the ‘Gateway’ setting for routing
onwards to the specified network. This routing process may
occur several times as the data travels across different
networks enroute to its destination.
In the class B example shown above the address has been
subnetted into 254 subnets, each with a possible 254 hosts.
Su b n e t Ma sk
The subnet mask is a 32 bit number which specifies how many
bits of the IP address are for the network / subnet address and
how many are for the host address.
9 -2
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Su p p o rt e d Pro t o co ls
Tim e Pro t o co l (RFC868)
RFC868 defines the original TIME protocol, which provides site-
independent, machine-readable date and time in response to
a request from a client PC.
When a request is received the TimeLord-Net responds with a 32-bit
time value corresponding to the number of seconds since
midnight of January 1st 1900. This representation of time will
serve until the year 2036.
Time Protocol is supported in the UDP mode of operation.
NTP (RFC1305 & RFC1119)
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is the most widely used
computer time synchronisation protocol in use today. It
provides a mechanism to both organise a synchronisation
subnet and distribute precise time synchronisation information
to the local clocks of all participating computers. In most parts
of the Internet today it is possible to use NTP to provide
accuracy’s of tens of milliseconds, depending on the
characteristics of the synchronisation source, stratum of
operation, the local network paths and the client software
The NTP standard has been designed so that it can provide
reliable operation with clients and servers of vastly different
specifications and across network paths with diverse delay and
jitter characteristics. Most users of Internet NTP
synchronisation make use of the standard NTP distribution
includes the full suite of NTP options and algorithms and has
been ported to a wide variety of hardware platforms ranging
from Personal Computers (PC’s) to supercomputers.
We would recommend that, in large hierarchical time
distribution projects, the standard NTP distribution be used on
the Stratum 2 and 3 servers for maximum redundancy and
client availability.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) v2, v3 and v4 clients are
supported in both unicast and broadcast modes of operation.
(RFC1305 & RFC1119)
SNTP (RFC2030 & RFC1769)
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) v3 and v4 clients are
supported in both unicast and broadcast modes of operation.
(RFC2030 & RFC1769)
NTP St ra t u m d e fin it io n s
St ra t u m
De fin it io n
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is an adaptation of NTP,
which can be used for applications where the ultimate
performance and associated overhead of the full NTP
implementation is not required.
Unspecified or Unavailable
This stratum is used to describe the stratum level
of the orignal time signal source. In the case of
GPS the actual GPS signal from the satellites can
be viewed as stratum 0.
Most PC client software is based on the SNTP specification and
certainly for most intranet applications will provide a higher
degree of accuracy than is required.
Primary Reference Server
A server that derives its time from a external time
reference, e.g. GPS or radio time code, is defined
as a stratum 1 time server. Stratum time servers
are at the root of the synchronisation subnet.
The TimeLord-Net always operates as a primary
reference server at stratum 1.
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) v3 and v4 clients are
supported in both unicast and broadcast modes of operation.
(RFC2030 & RFC1769)
Syn ch ro n isa t io n Ala rm St a t u s
The NTP/SNTP version 4 message format has provision for a
two-bit ‘Leap Indicator’ code that gives indication of an
impending leap second and synchronisation alarm status.
When ‘nLoc’ is set (y), the TimeLord-Net Master Clock will return an
LI (Leap Indicator) value of ‘0’ if the clock is synchronised and
‘3’ if the clock is unsynchronised. When ‘nLoc’ is not set (n), the
TimeLord-Net Master Clock will return an LI (Leap Indicator) value of
‘0’ regardless of synchronisation status.
Secondary and Greater Stratum Time Servers
A client computer synchronised to a time server
operates at one stratum higher than the
synchronisation source.
Therefore if you have computers synchronised to
the TimeLord-Net that in their turn provide time to
other systems on your network the heiracy will be
as follows:
Stratum 1 - TimeLord-Net
Stratum 2 - Secondary time servers
Stratum 3 - Third level devices
If the synchronisation source is set to ‘none’ and ‘nLoc’ is set,
the TimeLord-Net will return an LI (Leap Indicator) value of ‘3’.
Issu e 2.0
9 -3
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Ne t w o rk se t t in g m e n u
Normal time display
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’ three
times to move to Network setting mode.
Function ‘Network Setting Mode’. Press
‘^ ’ to select.
Network Setting Mode, with IP address
1st byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Network Setting Mode, with IP address
2nd byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Network Setting Mode, with IP address
3rd byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Network Setting Mode, with IP address
4th byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Network Setting Mode, with Subnet
mask 1st byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Network Setting Mode, with Subnet
mask 2nd byte flashing.
Network Setting Mode, with Subnet
mask 3rd byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
9 -4
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Network Setting Mode, with Subnet
mask 4th byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Network Setting Mode, with Gateway
address 1st byte flashing.
Network Setting Mode, with Gateway
address 2nd byte flashing.
Network Setting Mode, with Gateway
address 3rd byte flashing.
Network Setting Mode, with Gateway
address 4th byte flashing.
Network Setting Mode, with
synchronisation alarm status flashing.
Network Setting Mode, with
Network update flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting. When
set to ‘y’ the netUpdate software on the
TimeLord CDROM is planned to allow
installation of software upgrades into the
TimeLord (available on future versions)
Normal time display
Issu e 2.0
9 -5
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
10 - IRIG Ou t p u t (IRIG-OUT Op t io n )
Op t io n a l IRIG In t e rfa ce
BNC Connector
If your TimeLord
is fitted
1KHz AM modulated balanced signal.
with NTP, S2
or S4 options,
you may need
to press the
‘+ ’ switch
Normal time display
IRIG is a series of time codes originally developed in the 1940s
by the International Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG) for
recording time information on magnetic tape and wire for rocket
test range instrumentation purposes. IRIG-B code is normally
transmitted at a 100Hz bit rate, amplitude modulated on a 1KHz
carrier, where the amplitude of a ‘1’ bit is three times that of a
‘0’ bit.
more than 7
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’
seven to times to move to IRIG setting mode.
Standard IRIG-B code contains day-of-year and hours, minutes
and seconds information, however a number of organisations
have added their own extensions to the standard format.
AFNOR NFS 87 500 timecode is a development of IRIG-B which is
widely used in Europe and contains additional day, day-of-month
and year information.
Function ‘IRIG Setting Mode’. Press ‘^ ’
to select.
The IRIG output is available on the TimeLord-Lite and
TimeLord-Net / Net-Client versions.
IRIG Se t u p
IRIG Setting Mode, with IRIG type flashing. Use
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to select required IRIG type.
The different IRIG settings are detailed in the table below. The
IRIG setting procedure is shown graphically in the diagram to
the right of this text.
Se t t in g t h e IRIG Sig n a l Tim e Offse t
The IRIG signal is referenced to the current Location setting
(see section 4). If the output message is to be referenced to
UTC/GMT the location setting should be set to 0.
Press ‘^ ’ to store IRIG format and move
to RS485 level IRIG output setting.
RS485 le ve l IRIG o u t p u t
The IRIG signal is available at RS485/422 levels from the S1
serial output if the ‘i485’ setting is selected. Please note that if
the ‘i485’ option is set to ‘yes’, the S1 RS485 interface cannot
be used for serial data output.
RS485 level IRIG output setting option.
Press ‘+ ’ to change setting.
i485 In t e rfa ce
Signal ground
‘A’ - non-inverting
‘B’ - inverting
Press ‘^ ’ to store RS485 level IRIG
setting and exit programming mode.
RS232/RS485 S1
IRIG Se t u p
Normal time display
Co d e
Typ e
Ra t e
No t e s
Standard IRIG-B
1KHz AM modulated
and also available at
RS485 levels.
Afnor NFS 87-500 100Hz
(Variant A)
Contains all of the
obligatory information
IEEE 1344 IRIG-B 100Hz
IRIG-B with IEEE1344
IRIG-B with NENA xxx
IRIG-B without date
1 0 -1
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
11 - EBU Ou t p u t (EBU-OUT o p t io n )
Tim e Lo rd -Ne t EBU Tim e co d e In t e rfa ce
6 way terminal block
If your TimeLord
Low Z Low impedance signal
is fitted wtih
NTP, S2 or S4
serial options,
you may need
to press the
‘+ ’ switch
600Ω Balanced 600Ω signal
Normal time display
more than 8
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’ eight
to times to move to EBU setting mode.
Tim e Lo rd -Lit e EBU In t e rfa ce
BNC Connector
Balanced 600Ω signal
Function ‘EBU Setting Mode’. Press ‘^ ’
to select.
EBU timecode is used in broadcast applications for ‘stamping’
time information on recordings and for the control of clocks
and other intelligent systems. EBU time code is used in PAL
and SECAM applications at 25 frames per second.
EBU Setting Mode, with EBU type flashing. Use
‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to select required EBU type.
The signal data rate for EBU is 2000 bits per second, with each
frame of data comprising 80 bits. The EBU standard defines
the format for hours, minutes, and seconds information. Date
information can be added to the signal in a number of formats
within ‘user bit’ areas.
Press ‘^ ’ to store EBU format and exit
programming mode.
The EBU output is available on the TimeLord-Lite and
TimeLord-Net / Net-Client versions.
TimeLord-Net versions are fitted with both 600Ω and low impedance
outputs. Please note: Only one pair of outputs should be used
at one time.
Normal time display
The TimeLord-Lite version is fitted with a 600Ω output.
EBU Se t u p
The different EBU settings are detailed in the table below.
Please see table on page 11-2 for EBU code formats.
EBU Se t u p
Co d e
Typ e
No t e s
Time only
Standard EBU .
Time and date format 1
EBU with date encoded in
user bits.
Time and date format 2
EBU with alternate format
of date encoded in user
1 1 -1
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
EBU t im e co d e o u t p u t fo rm a t s
Da t a Bit Fo rm a t A - d a t a b it co n t e n t
Fo rm a t B - d a t a b it co n t e n t
Fo rm a t C - d a t a b it co n t e n t
Frame Number units
Frame Number units
Frame Number units
Unused bits
Unused bits
Status bit a
Status bit b
Status bit c
Status bit d
Frame number tens
Unused bits
Frame number tens
Unused bits
Frame number tens
Unused bits
Days units
Seconds units
Unused bits
Seconds units
Months units
Seconds tens
Seconds units
Years units
Seconds tens
Unused bits
Seconds tens
Unused bit
Days tens
Unused bit
Years tens
Months tens
Unused bit
Minutes units
Unused bits
Minutes units
Minutes units
Months Units
Minutes tens
Unused bits
Minutes tens
Minutes tens
Unused bits
Unused bit
Years units
Unused bit
Month tens
Unused bits
Hours Units
Unused bits
Hours Units
Unused bits
Hours units
Days units
Hours tens
Hours tens
Unused bits
Years tens
Hours tens
Unused bits
Days tens
Unused bits
Unused bits
Sync word
Sync word
Sync word
1 1 -2
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
12 - Im p u lse Ou t p u t (V-02 Op t io n )
Co m m issio n in g
Please perform the following four procedures to commission
your impulse clock system.
V-02 .IMP Du a l Im p u lse Ou t p u t
6 way terminal block
Se t u p Pa rt A - In it ia l Se t u p Pro ce d u re
Impulse 1
Impulse 2
Impulse Channel 1
Impulse Channel 2
Before commencing this procedure, please ensure that all of
the clocks are displaying the same time.
Install the TimeLord master clock as detailed in section
3 of this manual.
Program the required location as detailed in section 4
of this manual.
Connect any synchronisation option as detailed in
section 5 of this manual.
Op e ra t io n
Connect the analogue clocks to your chosen impulse
channel as shown on page 12-4. Please refer to
appendix A for recommended cable specifications.
The TimeLord master clock is optionally available with dual channel
24V alternate polarity impulse outputs (Option V-02).
For your chosen impulse channel, program the required
‘Impulse output type’. This is part of the impulse
channel setup procedure shown graphically on page
12-2. The ‘Impulse Output Type Table’ below details
the options available.
Each output may be programmed by the user for one of a
number of different combinations of pulse length and
repetition rate to drive impulse slave clocks requiring one
second, half minute or one minute alternate polarity impulses.
The fully protected output drive circuits detect power failure
and short circuit line fault conditions which are automatically
corrected for on fault removal.
Se t u p Pa rt B - Syn ch ro n isa t io n o f clo cks
This procedure ensures that all clocks on your chosen impulse
channel are synchronised together. Before starting this
procedure you should ensure that all clocks are displaying the
same time.
Au t o m a t ic Co rre ct io n
Automatic time correction following power failures, the
removal of fault conditions and after seasonal time changes is
carried out by increasing the pulse repetition rate or by
stopping the impulses depending on which action will result in
a shorter correction time.
Referring to the ‘starting the impulses’ procedure on
page 12-3, select the ‘pulse’ option and press the ‘^ ’
key. This action transmits a single pulse to all of the
connected clocks.
In the 1 second - standard mode the system will take one hour
to correct for each hour that the slave clocks are behind the
Now examine the slave clocks. Reverse the impulse
connections to all slave clocks that appear to have
‘missed’ a pulse and manually advance these clocks by
two impulses. All clocks connected to this channel
should now be in synchronisation.
In the 1 second - slow correction mode the system will take
approximately one and a half hours to correct for each hour
that the slave clocks are behind the master.
The 1 second - seconds synchronisation only mode is intended
for use with 4 wire slave clocks requiring both minute and
second impulses.
Se t u p Pa rt C - Pro g ra m m in g t h e Im p u lse t im e
For your chosen impulse channel, program the ‘Impulse
Time’. This is part of the impulse channel setup
procedure shown graphically on page 12-2. The
‘Impulse Time’ is the time that the analogue clocks are
currently displaying. Please note that you must ensure
that all of the analogue clocks on your chosen impulse
channel are showing the same time.
Im p u lse Ou t p u t Typ e Ta b le
Co d e
Mo d e
No output
Se t u p Pa rt D - St a rt in g t h e Im p u lse s
1 second - standard
0.4 sec. long impulse, 120 pulses per minute
catch-up speed.
Referring to the ‘starting the impulses’ procedure on
page 12-3, select the ‘run’ option and press the ‘^ ’ key
to exit.
1 second - slow correction
0.4 sec. long impulse, 85 pulses per minute catch-
up speed.
The channel will now be running and the master clock will
calculate whether it will be quicker to output catch-up
impulses or wait for the current time to reach the impulse time
(as previously programmed).
1 second - seconds only
0.4 sec. long impulse - for the seconds movement
of slave clocks with separate seconds and minutes
Visu a l In d ica t io n o f Op e ra t io n a n d Erro r st a t u s
The TimeLord.IMP master clock provides full time visual indication
of impulse channel operation and alarm status. When an
impulse is transmitted, the relevant channel LED will illuminate
below the time display on the front panel. If an overload or
short circuit line fault occurs, the impulse alarm LED will flash
along with the relevant channel LED.
1/2 minute
0.5 sec. long impulse, 30 pulses per minute catch-
up speed.
1 minute - standard
1.0 sec. long impulse, 30 pulses per minute catch-
up speed.
The current impulse time of channels 1 and 2 may be
examined by pressing the ‘+ ’ key three or four times
respectively when on the standard time display.
1 minute - slow correction
3.0 sec. long impulse, 6 pulses per minute catch-
up speed.
Please refer to page 12-3 for further details.
Issu e 2.0
1 2 -1
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
This procedure enables the master clock to know what time the
slave clocks are displaying and thus calculate the required
number of catch-up pulses. It also ensures that the correct
type of impulses are output. This procedure must be
performed for both channels (if used) on initial
Im p u lse ch a n n e l se t u p p ro ce d u re
Normal time display
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’ eight times
to move to Impulse channel 1 setting mode.
If your TimeLord is
fitted with
EBU, S2 or S4
options, you
will need to
press the ‘+ ’
switch more
than 8 times.
Function ‘Impulse Channel 1 Setting
Mode’. Press ‘^ ’ to select.
Impulse Channel 1 setting mode, with
current operation status flashing.
Impulse Channel 1 setting mode, with
impulse time seconds count flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to program the channel 1
impulse time seconds count.
Impulse Channel 1 setting mode, with
impulse time minutes count flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to program the channel 1
impulse time minutes count.
Impulse Channel 1 setting mode, with
impulse time hours count flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to program the channel 1
impulse time hours count.
Impulse Channel 1 setting mode, with
impulse type flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to alter the channel 1
impulse output type. (Please refer to
table on page 12-1).
Impulse Channel 1 setting mode. Press ‘^ ’ to amend the
settings or ‘v’ to exit.
Function ‘Impulse Channel 1 Setting
Mode’. Press ‘v’ to exit.
Normal time display
1 2 -2
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
This procedure will start the impulses running and should only
be performed once the impulse channel setup procedure has
been completed. Once the channel has been started, the
master clock will calculate whether it will be quicker to output
catch-up impulses or wait for the current time to reach the
impulse time (as previously programmed). This procedure
must be performed for both channels (if used).
St a rt in g t h e Im p u lse s
Before selecting the ‘run’ option, you may wish to use the
‘pulse’ option to ensure all the slave clocks are synchronised to
the same polarity. Please refer to page 12-1 for further details.
Normal time display
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’ eight times
to move to Impulse channel 1 setting mode.
If your TimeLord
is fitted with
EBU, S2 or S4
options, you
will need to
press the ‘+ ’
switch more
than 8 times.
Function ‘Impulse Channel 1 Setting
Mode’. Press ‘^ ’ to select.
Impulse Channel 1 setting mode, with current operation status flashing.
Press ‘+ ’ to start impulses. Press ‘-’ to send single set-up pulse.
Impulse Channel 1 setting mode, with
impulses running. Press ‘^ ’ to exit.
Normal time display
In d ica t io n o f cu rre n t Im p u lse t im e
Channel 1 active
Impulse alarm
Channel 2 active
Normal time display. Press ‘+ ’ key three
times to move to Impulse channel 1 time.
Impulse channel 1 time. Press ‘+ ’ key to
move to Impulse channel 2 time.
Impulse channel 2 time. Press ‘+ ’ key to
Normal time display
Issu e 2.0
1 2 -3
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
1 2 -4
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
In areas of high electrical noise a screened twisted pair should
be used. The cable screen should be grounded at the TimeLord
end only by means of the rear grounding terminal.
Ap p e n d ix A - Ca b le Sp e cifica t io n s
Tim e Lo rd -> V-488B/C GPS in t e rco n n e ct io n
A suitable screened cable is RS 361-361, (twin 16/0.254 - 18
awg) equivalent to Alpha 2421, BICC H8093, UL style 2092
which is adequate for a spur controlling 25 clocks over a 1km
cable run or a greater number of clocks over a shorter distance.
The V-488B and V-488C GPS Receiver systems are supplied with
25 metres of four core 7/0.2 (0.22mm2) screened cable. The cable
screen should be grounded at the TimeLord end by means of
the EMC rear grounding terminal and on the V-488B GPS receiver
using the screw fitting provided.
For screened LSOH applications RS 362-140 (two pairs 7/0.25 -
22 awg) may be used. Two conductors may be connected in
parallel to provide a similar performance to 18 awg.
Equivalent to UL style 2493.
For distances of up to 50 metres the length can be extended by
adding an additional length of 7/0.2 cable. For greater
distances, up to a maximum of 200m, 16/0.2 (0.5mm2) cable
should be used.
For a Cat 5 installation, (24 awg) a single pair can be used to
connect up to 10 400A series clocks or time-zone displays at a
distance of up to 250m. For further distances or greater
numbers of clocks, additional cores should be paired together,
lowering the cable resistance.
Please note that the 5m cable which links the antenna to the
V-488BGPS Receiver cannot be extended.
Tim e Lo rd -> V-484 MSF a n d DCF ra d io re ce ive r
in t e rco n n e ct io n
Tim e Lo rd -> V-400A/470A in t e rco n n e ct io n (w 482 co d e )
The V-484 series radio receiver is supplied with a 5m long
unscreened cable as standard.
Ca b le Typ e
Ma x.
Ma xim u m
Nu m b e r o f
Clo cks
Ca b le Dist a n ce
CAT5 (24 AWG)
0.22mm2 / 24AWG / 7/0.2 10
0.5mm2 / 20AWG / 16/0.2 50
0.5mm2 / 20AWG / 16/0.2 16
1.0mm2 / 17AWG / 32/0.2 50
1.0mm2 / 17AWG / 32/0.2 30
The cable length may be extended to 10m using unscreened
cable, RS 367-943 - 22 awg or equivalent. In areas of high
electrical noise a screened twisted pair should be used. The
cable screen should be grounded at the TimeLord end only.
1.5mm2 / 15AWG
Cable length may be extended to 200m using a screened
twisted pair cable, RS 368-340 - 22 awg or equivalent. (UL
style 2092, Alpha 2401)
Note: The above data assumes that all cable interconnections are
of negligible resistance when compared to that of the cable used.
For screened LSOH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen) applications RS
362-140 (two pairs 7/0.25 - 22 awg) may be used. Equivalent
to UL style 2493.
If in doubt one should always consider the use of the next
heavier gauge cable as this invariably increases system
integrity at minimal additional system cost and allows for
future system expansion.
Tim e Lo rd -> Dig it a l Disp la ys w 482 co d e in t e rco n n e ct io n
All installation work should be performed in accordance with
current Building Regulations and the Sixteenth Edition of the
IEE Wiring Regulations, or equivalent local regulations.
The w482 time code system is designed to have considerable
immunity to external electrical interference and screened cable
is only required in areas of high electrical noise.
Tim e Lo rd -> An a lo g u e Im p u lse Clo ck in t e rco n n e ct io n
Cabling for analogue clock systems is highly dependent on the
number of clocks, power consumption of the clock movements
and distance of cable involved.
Based on the use of 10mA clock movements, each channel of
the TimeLord.IMP master clock could drive 20 clocks (a total of
40 clocks). Alternatively, each channel of the TimeLord.IMP could
drive 25x 8mA clock movements (a total of 50 clocks).
Tim e Lo rd -> An a lo g u e Clo cks (w it h h a n d s) co n n e ct io n s
Normal installations may use standard mains cable. (e.g. twin
1.5mm2) The size of the cable depends on the overall cable
length, the number of clocks and their spacing on the cable.
Ca b le Typ e
Ma x. No o f
Clo cks
Ma xim u m Ca b le
Dist a n ce
0.5mm2 / 20AWG
1.0mm2 / 17AWG
1.5mm2 / 15AWG
The use of twin 1.5mm2 cable will be adequate for installations
of up to 50 clocks, calendar clocks or time-zone displays using
up to 1km of cable. For LSOH applications low smoke cable to
IEC332 and BS4066 may be used. RS212-7882 (1.5mm2 Pirelli
Unscreened data cables should not be run in proximity to
power cables supplying fluorescent lighting or other sources of
electrical noise.
Note: The above data assumes that all cable interconnections are
of negligible resistance when compared to that of the cable used
and the impulse clock movements draw 10mA each.
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Ap p e n d ix B - Ca se d im e n sio n s
Tim e Lo rd Ra ckm o u n t Ca se - d im e n sio n s
Tim e Lo rd -T De skt o p Ca se - d im e n sio n s
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Ap p e n d ix C - Su p p o rt e d d e vice s
Listed below are some CCTV and other devices with known
time synchronisation support from the TimeLord Master
Clock. Please refer to the relevant chapters of this manual
(and if applicable, the application notes located on the CD-
ROM supplied) for further information on synchronisation
If the product you wish to synchronise is not detailed, please
contact our technical department for further clarification.
Please note: Inclusion or exclusion of any product from these
lists in no-way indicates an endorsement or otherwise of the
respective products.
VCRs / Dig it a l Re co rd e rs
Ma n u fa ct u re r
/ De vice
Syn ch ro n isa t io n
m e t h o d
No t e s
Ap p lica t io n
n o t e
Adder Digital Technology
Digital Video Recorder
Windows 98 based - RS232 Serial Code 26 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 49 - refer to page 7-3
Dedicated Micros
Digital Sprite,
Digital Sprite 2,
Need C-Bus adapter - RS232 Serial Code 20 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 13 - refer to page 7-2
Grundig / Plettac
Harm ony
(NT4 / 2000 /
Hard Disk Recorder
Windows PC based - RS232 Serial Code 26 - refer to page 7-2
VFC (24Hr)
RS232 Serial Code 11 / 45 (multiple VCRs) - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 11 / 45 (multiple VCRs) - refer to page 7-2
RS232 or VFC (1Hr)
AG-6040, AG-6730,
AG-6740, AG-6760
RS232 or VFC (24Hr)
RS232 Serial Code 12 - refer to page 7-2
AGTL300, AGTL700
Will set time to nearest 1/2min upon closure of contact
These devices do not support external time synchronisation
RS232 Serial Code 58 - refer to page 7-3
RS232 Serial Code 48 - refer to page 7-3
RS232 Serial Code 60 - refer to page 7-3
RS232 Serial Code 27 - refer to page 7-2
HSR-1, HSR-1P, HSR-2
RS232 Serial Code 35 - refer to page 7-3
RS232 Serial Code 42 - refer to page 7-3
RS232 Serial Code 46 - refer to page 7-3
The Vision Factory
Cameo D1
Continued on page C-2
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Ap p e n d ix C - Su p p o rt e d d e vice s - co n t .
Ma t rix / Mu lt ip le xe r / CCTV syst e m s
Ma n u fa ct u re r
/ De vice
Syn ch ro n isa t io n
m e t h o d
No t e s
Ap p lica t io n
n o t e
BAXNET products
RS232 Serial Code 50/51/52 - refer to page 7-3
RS232 Serial Code 1 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 56 - refer to page 7-3
Dedicated Micros
Uniplex Series I / II
Loronix / Verint
(NT4 / 2000 /
CCTV system
Windows PC based - RS232 Serial Code 26 - refer to page 7-2
Needs rugby clock interface - Serial Code 1 - refer to page 7-2
Serial Code 47 - refer to page 7-3
Vista Columbus
RS232 Serial Code 57 - refer to page 7-3
RS232 Serial Code 1 - refer to page 7-2
Burle TC8286 & TC8288,
Allegiant LTC8300 Series,
LTC8511C, LTC8610/00,
TC8719A, LTC8810/00,
LTC8910/00 (with CPU rev
RS232 Serial Code 32 - refer to page 7-3
CCTV system
RS232 Serial Code 31 / 32 / 33 - refer to pages 7-2 / 3
RS232 Serial Code 1 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 15 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 21 - refer to page 7-2
Only 17 channel version has time setting capability as standard,
option on 8 channel and 4 channel versions - RS232 Serial Code
15 - refer to page 7-2
Rugby Clock Interface
The Vision Factory
RS232 Serial Code 1 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 22 - refer to page 7-2
RS422 Serial Code 14 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 / RS422 Serial Code 14 - refer to page 7-2
Montage plus
RS232 / RS422
Ultrak Maxpro
RS232 Serial Code 24 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 1 - refer to page 7-2
Vision Research Com pany
Krammer 4
Continued on page C-3
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Ap p e n d ix C - Su p p o rt e d d e vice s - co n t .
Acce s Co n t ro l / In t ru d e r De t e ct io n syst e m s
Ma n u fa ct u re r
/ De vice
Syn ch ro n isa t io n
m e t h o d
No t e s
Ap p lica t io n
n o t e
(NT4 / 2000 /
Site Guard
Grosvenor Technology
Windows PC based - RS232 Serial Code 26 - refer to page 7-2
(NT4 / 2000 /
Windows PC based - RS232 Serial Code 26 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 59 - refer to page 7-3
Access Control
Vo ice Re co rd e rs
Ma n u fa ct u re r
/ De vice
Syn ch ro n isa t io n
m e t h o d
No t e s
Ap p lica t io n
n o t e
ASC Telecom
RS232 Serial Code 23 - refer to page 7-2
Marathon Pro,
Marathon Advanced,
Marathon Compact
Time-Master PCB standard on Pro, optional on Advanced &
Compact - RS232 Serial Code 23 - refer to page 7-2
Windows 98 - RS232 Serial Code 26 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 30 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 8 - refer to page 7-2
IRIG-B *(4861 only)
IRIG-B *(4861 only) - refer to page 10-1
RS232 Serial Code 5 / 17 - refer to page 7-2
RS232 Serial Code 41 - refer to page 7-3
RS232 Serial Code 40 - refer to page 7-3
Wordnet Series II
Misc. syst e m s
Ma n u fa ct u re r
/ De vice
Syn ch ro n isa t io n
m e t h o d
No t e s
Ap p lica t io n
n o t e
RS232 Serial Code 1 or 3 - refer to page 7-1
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Qu ick Se t u p
Ap p e n d ix D - NTP Syn ch ro n isa t io n o p t io n
(Tim e Lo rd -Ne t -Clie n t ve rsio n s o n ly)
Install the TimeLord-Net-Client as detailed in section 3 of this manual.
At t e n t io n : If yo u a re u n su re o f t h e fo llo w in g n e t w o rk
se t t in g s p le a se co n t a ct yo u r n e t w o rk a d m in ist ra t o r.
In co rre ct se t t in g s ca n a d ve rse ly a ffe ct t h e
p e rfo rm a n ce o f yo u r n e t w o rk.
Net Update
Select ntP (NTP - Network Time Protocol) as the
synchronisation source in the ‘Synchronisation Mode’
menu. Please refer to chapter 5 for further details.
MAC Address
xx xx xx xx xx xx
In the Network Setting menu, program the IP address
of the TimeLord-Net-Client in dotted-decimal notation. (e.g. Use the plus and minus buttons to
increment and decrement each value. The up arrow will
move on to the next value, the down arrow will return
to the previous value. This procedure is shown
graphically on pages D-3 & D-4. Please refer to the
NTP Network Settings Table below and chapter 9 for
further information.
Tim e Lo rd Ne t w o rk In t e rfa ce
10Base-T Ethernet Connector
Network software update port
Link LED indicating connection to network
Data Data LED indicating data on the network
Op e ra t io n
In the Network Setting menu, program the Subnet
Mask of the TimeLord-Net-Client in dotted-decimal notation.
(e.g. Use the plus and minus buttons to
increment and decrement each value. The up arrow will
move on to the next value, the down arrow will return
to the previous value. This procedure is shown
graphically on pages D-3 & D-4. Please refer to the
NTP Network Settings Table below and chapter 9 for
further information.
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronisation option
enables the TimeLord-Net-Client to synchronise to an NTP time
source on a TCP/IP Computer network. The quick setup procedure
should be followed to get the TimeLord-Net-Client up and running
quickly. With NTP selected as the synchronisation source, a
reduced set of options will appear in the Network Setting
menu as detailed in the NTP Network Settings Table below.
Please refer to chapter 9 for further information regarding TCP/
IP concepts and NTP. Please note that the TimeLord-Net-Client
cannot operate as a Network Time Server.
In the Network Setting menu, program the default
Gateway of TimeLord-Net-Client in dotted-decimal notation.
(e.g. Use the plus and minus buttons to
increment and decrement each value. The up arrow will
move on to the next value, the down arrow will return
to the previous value. This procedure is shown
graphically on pages D-3 & D-4. Please refer to the
NTP Network Settings Table below and chapter 9 for
further information.
The TimLord-Net Client has a 10Base-T Ethernet
interface and must be connected either to a dedicated 10Base-
T port or a switchable 10Base-T / 100Base-T port on your
In the Network Setting menu, program the IP address
of the NTP time server in dotted-decimal notation. (e.g. Use the plus and minus buttons to
increment and decrement each value. The up arrow will
move on to the next value, the down arrow will return
to the previous value. This procedure is shown
graphically on pages D-3 & D-4. Please refer to the
NTP Network Settings Table below and chapter 9 for
further information.
NTP Ne t w o rk Se t t in g s Ta b le
Having returned to the time screen, cycle the power on
the TimeLord-Net-Client Master Clock.
Disp la y
Co d e
Se t t in g
Manually set on the time on the TimeLord-Net-Client Master
Clock to within half an hour of the real time (please
refer to page 2-4 for further details of this procedure).
IP Address
This is the Internet Protocol address that the
TimeLord-Net uses on the computer network.
Use the CAT5 patch cable (supplied) to connect the
TimeLord-Net-Client to your computer network. Ensure that
the network connection used is compatible with
10Base-T. Check the green link led illuminates,
confirming that correct connection has been made to
the network.
Subnet Mask
The subnet mask when combined with the IP
address identifes the subnet (part of the bigger
network) that the TimeLord-Net is connected to.
Gateway Address
The gateway address is used by the 4860net when
it needs to send information to computers and
devices which are connected to other networks
and subnets.
NTP Server IP Address
This is the Internet Protocol address of the NTP
time server that the TimeLord-Net-Client uses as its Time
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Syn ch ro n isa t io n St a t u s Disp la y
When in normal time display mode the plus and minus buttons
can be used to cycle through the date, synchronisation and
temperature status displays, as detailed on page 2-5.
However, when NTP is selected as the synchronisation source,
the synchronisation status display operates as detailed below
NTP Synchronisation status - please
refer to the table below for further
Indicates the number of valid time
messages received. Incremented for
every good message decremented for
every corrupt message. (Range 0-F)
The number of minutes before the TimeLord
declares that it has lost lock to the input
signal. (Range 0-F)
The synchronisation lockout counter, the
number of minutes of valid, but
different time messages required
before the TimeLord will synchronise to the
new time. (Range 0 - 9)
NTP Syn ch ro n isa t io n St a t u s Ta b le
Disp la y
Co d e
The Ethernet port is initialising.
There is a non-specific error.
Transmission failure
The TimeLord-Net-Client is not able to transmit data to the
NTP Time Server.
Receive failure
The TimeLord-Net-Client is not receiving data from the
NTP Time Server.
Receive error
The TimeLord-Net-Client is receiving unreliable data from
the NTP Time Server.
The TimeLord-Net-Client is syncrhonised to the NTP Time
Time difference error
The TimeLord-Net-Client has received NTP information
that indicates the time difference between the
time on the TimeLord-Net-Client is ± 30 minutes.
The TimeLord-Net-Client will reject this informa.tion.
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
When the TimeLord master clock is programmed to synchronise
from an NTP time source, the network setting menu will be
replaced by the following netclient setup menu.
Normal time display
Function ‘Time Setting Mode’. Press ‘+ ’ three
times to move to Netclient setting mode.
Function ‘Netclient Setting Mode’. Press
‘^ ’ to select.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Netclient Setting Mode, with IP address
1st byte flashing.
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th bytes of the
IP address will apear before the
Subnet mask setting.
Netclient Setting Mode, with Subnet
mask 1st byte flashing.
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th bytes of the
Subnet mask will apear before
the Gateway address setting.
Netclient Setting Mode, with Gateway
address 1st byte flashing.
The 2nd, 3rd and 4th bytes of the
Gateway address will apear before
the NTP Server IP address setting.
Netclient Setting Mode, with NTP Server
IP Address 1st byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Netclient Setting Mode, with NTP Server
IP Address 2nd byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Issu e 2.0
Tim e Lo rd Ma st e r Clo cks
Op e ra t in g a n d In st a lla t io n In st ru ct io n s
Netclient Setting Mode, with NTP Server
IP Address 3rd byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Netclient Setting Mode, with NTP Server
IP Address 4th byte flashing.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting.
Netclient Setting Mode, with Network update
flashing. This mode cannot be exited if set to ‘y’.
Use ‘+ ’ and ‘-’ to change setting. When
set to ‘y’ the netUpdate software on the
TimeLord CDROM can be used to install a
software upgrade into the TimeLord.
(Available on future versions)
Normal time display
Issu e 2.0
Vo rt e x Co m m u n ica t io n s Lt d
75 The Grove, Ealing, London. W5 5LL
Telephone: + 44 (0) 20 8579 2743
Fax: + 44 (0) 20 8840 0018
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